
EVO Pre-orders Beginning At Best Buy, Possibly Other Retail Outlets


I woke up this morning to an email in my inbox – courtesy of Best Buy – suggesting that I stop in to pre-order the HTC EVO 4G. While Sprint isn’t ready to offer similar services on their own terms yet, Best Buy has long been a reputable third-party mobile retailer that usually gives you no fluff in buying service through them as opposed to through the carrier, so anyone looking to pre-order should know that this is their absolute first chance.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


Later on in the day, I’ll be ringing both Best Buy and Sprint to get more details on how one can pre-order the EVO and what catches, discounts, or quirks might be involved in that. I know Best Buy usually bypasses the need to mail-in a rebate form to get your discount, so it might be worth checking them out for your pre-order needs, as well. Has anyone else noticed any other retailers beginning pre-orders for the device?

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

[Update] HTC EVO 4G: $199 at Launch, Available June 4th, $450 Off-Contract?

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  1. I’m joining my brothers ‘Simply Everything’ family plan to get this phone. Does anyone know if I can pre-order the phone without actually being a Sprint customer yet?

  2. Ughi would get this but sense is a deal breaker for me I just don’t like it and plus I work for verizon and that price doesn’t beat two droids and one incerdible for 135 a month but a former cowrk now works for sprint so ill play with this big boy… and I’m not tryin to rain on the evos prade but that moto phone A955 is the motorola Droid 2 that’s been seeing in the pics which will be a evo with a keyboard and that’s what my regional manager said yesterday but Congrats to sprint HTC and all the future evo owners

  3. Sounds perfect. I m still using TMo for now, guess I should stop by BestBuy lately to pre-order such the ass-kicking android phone. If there were any detailed review coming this week, i will be so happy to watch that b4 pre-order.

  4. Can anyone explain why people would preorder a phone? Do they derive joy somehow from handing over their money and getting nothing in return?

    What happen if, come June 4, you discover that this phone is actually a bit chunkier than you thought, or the screen doesn’t look so great, or…

    Given the opportunity to hold it in your hands before committing, why would anyone choose to pay in advance?

  5. @Dave, ask the many Verizon customers that aren’t able to get a Droid Incredible, or the many people with T-Mobile still trying to get an HTC HD2.

  6. you pre order to reserve one…. what is hard to understand about that dave… if you don’t then you don’t get one till the 2nd or possibly 3rd shipment which could be a month or more wait….

  7. @jimmyk
    I think you can turn the sense off if im not mistaken. On the previous post on this website with Rob Jackson at the evo4g press show, i think the sprint demo guy said that you can the the stock android. Not sure how much will be stock, but i think its possible. Anyone wanna clear that up?

  8. i am going to best buy when i get out of class hell yeah they just called me to come in and put down $50 preorder

  9. Does anyone know if the employee/corporate/other discounts are still available if I sign up through Best Buy as opposed to in a sprint store?

  10. I called the Best Buy near my house and they said there were not taking orders yet but might when it gets closer. The girl that answered did not sound too sure in her answer so maybe I will try another Best Buy and see if I get the same answer.

  11. Okay just called a second Best Buy and the guy I talked to certainly knew about it and said there were in fact doing pre-orders for it. 50 bucks like mentioned above basically buys you a ticket in line.

  12. Thanks for the replies. I really had no idea there could be significant delays in getting these things. It’s nice to hear they’re so popular!

  13. Pre ordered at Best Buy this morning..
    $50.00 get you a reserved phone on June 4th, all I need to do is show up at best buy on the 4th and pick up my phone, they will only pre order as many phones as they will be getting in stock, if they pre order more phones that they will be recieving then they will call customres and let them know there won’t be a phone for them, I have nothing to fear on that because I was the first to pre order at this best buy location! LOL

  14. Just preordered from best buy!!! I’m third in line at that best buy.

  15. It turns out there was a guy at my local Best Buy who said that he’d been there “all day” doing these. You plunk $50 down (plus sales tax, at least in Chicago, IL), and you get a gift card. You can refund the gift card or just use it for something else if you change your mind (say, if you get free activation through Sprint or something). I left my phone number and he said he’d call when the phone was in. I asked him what he thought my chances were of getting it on June 4th, or the launch date, and he said “I’m sure you will.”

  16. its official pre order your evo 4g tommorow at radioshack people

  17. I heard that Radio Shack is also doing preorders. They also throw in a $20 giftcard if you do it with them.

  18. i just called a local best buy and a radio shack, Best buy guy said they will be be doing pre order, radio shack guy said no, but didn’t seem like the brightest bulb on the tree

  19. just called a second radio shack, guy said pre-orders start friday the 14th, he just earned a sale

  20. Does anyone know what the price of this phone will be? My friend got the HTC HERO when it came out for a total $99 (2 year agreement plus automatic $100 mail-rebate at BestBuy). Will the HTC EVO be $99 also under the same conditions?

  21. So, our options are Sprint, Best Buy and Radioshack, right? I’m trying to decide which way to go.

    Sprint – no pre-orders yet. Rebate is mail-in. Activation fee?
    Best Buy – $50 to pre-order. Rebate is instant. Activation fee?
    Radioshack – $50 to pre-order. $20 gift card. Rebate is instant. Activation Fee?

  22. @cynthia
    IDK about activation fee but evrything else is correct. I ordered mine from Radioshack

  23. My local Best Buy told me today they were in “second stage” for pre-ordering the EVO. Meaning, the phones on launch day are already spoken for so if you pre-order from here on out you’ll get your phone five or more days later. She did say there could still be a chance that you could get one on launch day if someone else doesn’t claim theirs.

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