
Android Developers Blog: UI Best Practices


androiddevbg_logoIf you are an Android developer or at all interested in the behind-the-scenes work on Android development, you probably already follow the Android Developers Blog. If you fall into either of those categories and don’t, well you really should. I’d highly recommend it, and one fine example of why is their latest posting giving in depth detail and analysis on UI best practices and implementation, using the development of the Twitter for Android app as an example.

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The Twitter for Android app was developed jointly between Twitter and the Android team as a perfect example of the way a third-party developer can integrate their application seamlessly into the Android experience. Covered in the posting are various elements and the thought processes behind their implementation, such as contact sync and QuickContact access, search, and widget development.

The info doesn’t get too technical, but it offers an example of one of the best-integrated apps to hit the Android Market in recent months and exactly why it fits that bill. I’m not the overly tech-savvy type, so I won’t even try to offer some paraphrased retelling, but if you have any interest in how to go about making awesome apps, I’d head on over and read up on what the Android Developers have to say.

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  1. I happened to read that article and I like it quite a bit. Ever since the new guy took over good stuff has been coming out of that blog. This one is a great way to get devs to somewhat commonize the layout of applications. And it shows that while you can have a common sort of layout and feel you’re still able to be creative and give your app a highly customized look. I hope this type of UI guideline grows as a trend.

  2. This was a very interesting read, looking forward to get my hands on the source code of the twitter app

  3. @Phil
    I have to agree about the new guy, he’s doing a great job and hopefully he stays like that

  4. Good article, I hope Android team focuses more on user interface.

  5. I will take a look at their blog.

  6. @Maj

    I totally agree. I can’t wait to take a look at the source code. It’s hard to find examples of really great quality apps. A lot of good will come from this app being open source. Hopefully we see an upward trend in the quality of apps that hit the market.

  7. I love my Android phone, but those UI guidelines leave a lot to be desired. What should be the smallest area for active areas? What are standard icons for recommended functions? For menu items? For buttons?

    What are standard typefaces and fonts? Field and label alignments and layouts?

    I hate to pull it out, but something like the iPhone interface guidelines is needed:

    I’m tired of buttons that are too small (which Google itself is guilty of) and too much inconsistency across apps. A significant part of usable design is predictable design.

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