You craved Rosie. You heard about HTC Sense. You cried when you learned it wouldn’t be available on existing Android handsets. Shouldn’t you have known the Android hacking dev community has the will so of course there is a way?
Check out this video, where the Android HD Blog (translated) goes hands on with HTC Sense hacked onto the G1:
Before we go any further, let me stress that it is NOT recommended for you to hack your own Dream/G1/Magic with SuperHero for a number of reasons. In addition to some more minor bugs like non-compatability with auto-screen rotate, the ROM also expects a processer with higher power, causing your device to freeze and force close when doing some pretty basic things… like pressing the Home button.
Nonetheless our initial thoughts on HTC Sense were confirmed:
- Awesome UI and extremely polished
- Much deeper than only UI with significant improvements in functionality and basic apps
- Great widget system
- Overhauled music experience rocks
- Browser has multi-touch
- Contact management is exceptional
If you don’t really care and want to take the dive anyways, feel free to load it up yourself at the risk of bricking your phone and/or limited funcitonality. They’ve got full instructions on the Android HD Blog (translated) and you can download the latest ROMs from LeakDroid.
Can we get this on The Galaxy please!
The galaxy is the only thing stopping me from getting the Hero (When it comes out, that is.)
man id love to have this on my G1, but what exactly do we lose? google sync features, etc?
Does the Hero actually have a beefier processor? My understanding was that it basically has the same processor as the G1/Magic. I would love to hear otherwise…
I am just going to wait for donut, wut are the features that are coming wit donut?
Why would this limit the functionality of a HTC Magic/Mytouch? From what I can tell from HTC’s own site is that there share the same processor as well as amount of ROM/RAM…
Looks nice, but definitely looks chuggish on the G1. I want this UI, but not at the expense of speed and functionality.
I have installed most of the hero roms including JacHero and SuperHero v2 and all are somewhat slow like in the video. It also drains your battery i went from a 100% to 60% batter in 3 hours. The UI is amazing but the slow speed and the frustration of doing simple tasks are not worth it just quite yet…
@jay_cee: The Hero does have the same processor as the Magic and the Dream, so it’s not faster, but it has more RAM – a total of 288 MB to be exact.
I have it on my G1 at the moment. It runs better then previous build but it does slow down at times. And thats not Overclocked yet.
yeah. the hero has 94Mb of ram more than the magic. so putting the hero rom will slow down the Dream and the Magic.
The UI looks gorgeous, however, for me that is WAY too slow and laggy to be anywhere near acceptable.
Im still putting my money that google is going to release the donut 2.0 upgrade when the hero comes to the U.S. But we will see
My contract is up in Feb of next year. I am so excited over all of the different Androids that we havent even heard about that will be available then. It’s going to be a good month
I have this ROM on my phone and love it! Only downside, it lags sometimes, and forecloses sometimes too. The big thing you dont have is MMS messaging and no auto rotate on the home screen, but overall its a awsome ROM!
Does this ROM run less smooth on the G1 or Magic than the Hero?
Seems odd because the only difference is a little bit of ram…
can any body help me get the hero or magic on my g1 i need step by step and my email is d.d.finklea@gmail help please
guys , im very bad with the whole android thing … need some help, 1) will i be able to load/flash android 2.2 to my HTC dream? 2) how do i do that? 3) what is the difference between HTC dream on MTN (SA) and Rodgers G1?
please help me email me.