
(NSFW) Dildroid: Your Android Is Now A Vibrator


Almost immediately after the iPhone 3GS was launched there was some buzz about it being the “iPhone 3G Sex” and how it would turn your new Apple into a sex toy. For droid loving nymphos out there fear not – has come to the rescue with an application called Dildroid that… well, you know.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Here is how the makers describe Dildroid:

Is a FREE multi-speed vibrator system for the Google Android OS Phone/Device.

Probably the most advance technology in the field of personal discreet and hypersubtle massage system you have seen so far. Dildroid deliver nice and gentle massage to the user. You can also share the joy by sending a massage of your choice by dildro-sms.   “It’s amazing what 2 days of R&D can do for a  product!” Said the Dildroid creator interviewed by himself. “I never tough someone would actually download it, and now it’s more than 10 000 download in three weeks!” he added just before resuming a article about Dildroid for

And what features does it offer, good sir?

Dildroid offer multiple features like:

  • Variable speed – Allow user to pick vibration speed by erecting the head of our Andy buddy.
  • Dildro-SMS – Allow user to send SMS to contact list (both user need to have dildroid installed in order fully work)
  • Frigid Mode – Block Dildro-sms when you don’t feel vibrant and remove it when you feel horny
  • Low battery warning, don’t miss ou wonderfull low battery warning!

Interesting. I mean… Interesting?


[Fleshbot, SlashDong (hahahahaha), Thanks for the tip Dan!]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

T-Mobile Hacked Oh So Gently

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  1. serously like what is the use of this like do u enter the phone in ur ass or what

  2. ^ if that’s what you’re into. haha.
    these things are so silly. i cant imagine anybody using them. (;

  3. i never thought i’d see a NSFW post on phandroid, but here it is. a post that is both android related and NSFW. kudos

  4. Since this was in French is it considered a FRENCH TICKLER more than a vibrator?

    ,Michael Martin

  5. ahmed, Vibrators don’t have to go into anything to be effective.

  6. Ok ok I know it’s a short life usage product, if the google API was a bit more clear about the USB driver usage I would suggest a DIY usb plug-in :P I plan launching version 1.0.3 later this month to add voice to Andy to … hmm … inspire users :P

    @Ahmed: The main usage is to make smile, humor equipped and maybe a bit immature human being , the second usage is for massage and the third is to check if your phone still able to vibrate. Hope it’s enough for the price paid ;)

    @Ricky: by reading the comments on the market, I wasn’t able to imagine it… But there is some hyper sensible user out there!

  7. @Michael: I loled
    @JasonD : I Loled again

  8. It would be messed up if someone used this app and allow you to use there phone to make a phone call afterwards

  9. smitty nice one
    ricky i don’t know ill try when the galaxy come lol

  10. I had thought about developing adult-oriented content for the market, but their content policy ( says not to release apps that display or link to:

    # any material not suitable for persons under 18.
    # pornography, obscenity, nudity or sexual activity.

    Of course, I’m not even sure who’s monitoring the market right now, but this app doesn’t seem to conform to the guidelines.

  11. @Derek, I would disagree. Nothing from the screen shots or video indicates it violates the rules you posted. If the said “sexual innuendo” then maybe… but they don’t.

  12. Believe it or not I found a practical use for this. After snapping the keyboard on the G1 closed rather hard one time it seemed to knock the vibrating mechanism out of whack. It annoyed me, particularly with the virtual keyboard.

    I thought I’d see if just letting it vibrate for a while would get it back to normal, so I downloaded this app and if fixed it after maybe 15 seconds. I then uninstalled it. I swear!

  13. Geez, I guess the iPhone crowd will never see something like this in the app store. I will assume this would fall under the ‘objectionable content’ column or whatever the censorship police at Apple deems it at the time.

    I don’t care if it’s useless or childish or whatever. At least if a developer puts it on the market, it will be available for anyone to download. I MAKE THAT CHOICE. I don’t need those choices made for me. That is why I love Android.

  14. @Rob: You are so going to be in a soon to exist “Testimonial” section on my site :)
    @Derek: It’s too subtle to fall in the violation, actually google did send me a warning email not for the application itself but because the first version used ANDROID fonts. I fixed this in the 1.0.3.

    Thx all for your interest, it’s the only pay I get right now :P

  15. Glad to see just as much crap making its way to Android as all the other platforms.

  16. @Mario: We are currently hiring funny open minded people right now. You seem to fit perfectly for the job please apply!

    You will be in charge of the “constructive critics” department your daily task will be:

    say “it’s a crap!”

  17. “nsfw” is for faggots who waste everyone else’s money. kthx

  18. FINALY!!!! (Kidding) :D:D:D

  19. it feels great and it vibrates real hard!

  20. once u install the dildroid how do u remove it from ur phone

  21. i jizzed when i saw that.

  22. i used an app called toywithme on my blackberry but that broke, so discovering this is awesome… i love the feeling of a hot phone against my sexy g spot in the middle of my perineum… and i can’t image how much better the android phone app works?!?! i feel like im going to love it when i buy a droid this weekend. :D

    PURE HYPE. ; P

  23. you put some part of the phone on her clit. duh.

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