100+ Best Ok Google Commands (Updated List)

Voice commands have become a central part of the Android operating system, introducing new functions and capabilities with every candy-flavored iteration. While voice commands have been core to the service since its launch, Google has done their part to continuously add new options- and we keep this full list of okay google commands updated regularly.

You can activate the voice commands by saying:

Whether you’re completely new to Okay Google voice commands or want to learn recently added options, we’ve compiled this comprehensive list to help you get the most out of all the Ok Google commands. (Simply replace the text in brackets with whatever you are searching for or inquiring about and wait for Google to spit out the pertinent information.)

Best Ok Google Commands:

There are now so many Ok Google voice commands that it’s easy to get overwhelmed. We’re maintaining this list of our favorite commands at the top to highlight the most helpful, useful, and recently added trigger phrases. If you think we’re missing something important, let us know!

How to use OK Google

Before you can use these voice commands you’ll want to make sure OK Google is turned on and fine-tuned to your liking:

You’ll have additional options to unlock your phone with a trusted voice (after training or retraining the voice model) and you’ll also want to adjust “Google Assistant” settings while you’re at it. You can read more on Google’s official support page.

Google has made it a priority to understand conversational commands, meaning that it will accept a variety of input and options within each command. It would be impossible to accumulate a true complete list of commands, so try making some adjustments and personalizations to accomplish exactly what you want- it just might work!

Essential OK Google commands

Camera Commands for Ok Google:

Alarms, Timers, Reminders for Ok Google:


Music and Media with Ok Google

Games with Ok Google

Navigation and Travel with Ok Google

Weather Commands for Ok Google


Sports Info with Okay Google

Ok Google – Funny Commands & Easter Eggs

There are a lot of Ok Google Easter Eggs you’ll find by asking strange and crazy things. If you’re looking for funny okay Google commands you should definitely give the options below a try:

What’s your favorite Ok Google Command?

What your favorite Okay Google commands ? Are we missing any big ones? Let us know your favorite voice commands, Easter Eggs, tips, and tricks in the comments below!

In our next update, we’ll be covering home automation and using Ok Google with specific apps, so like/follow/subscribe to stay informed!

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