Who says heartless, brainless robots can’t have fun? The Bugdroid, Android’s revered mascot, was caught on slippery slopes with a pair of skis. Little did the fella know he was being recorded. I’m a bit jealous. OK, extremely jealous. [via Android Central]
How much do you make per hour on the internet spreading this garbage?
What’s more frightening is that all these annoying spam comments fit the SAME TEMPLATE and disqus can’t manage to auto-filter ’em. Makes you wonder if they’re in bed together, or just incompetent.
I WANT TO PUNCH THESE SPAMMERS IN THE FACE. I haven’t felt like this since email spam was a big problem.
My uncle’s roommate’s ferret breeder makes $11/hr pumping off retired guys with one hand and rooting phones with the other – outside the craft store.