
Rumor: HTC Endeavor – Sources confirm what we already expect


We have all heard about HTC’s upcoming flagship device – the HTC Endeavor (formerly known as the HTC Edge). We are expecting this device to be announced at Mobile World Congress, which is just a couple of weeks away. The rumored specs on this device are simply stunning, but if you haven’t had enough, new sources are confirming them.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The newest details come from MoDaCo‘s sources, and include the following:

  • Android 4.0 (with Sense 4.0)
  • 1.5 GHz quad-core Tegra 3 processor
  • 4.7-inch 720p display
  • 1 GB of RAM
  • WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n and Bluetooth 4.0
  • 8 MP rear-facing camera / 1.3 MP front-facing camera
  • HSPA+ radio (quad-band)

As mentioned, we have already heard these specs before. It is great to see more sources confirming them, though. This device will be quite the super phone, and MWC should be an exciting event for HTC, as well as many other manufacturers.

Stay tuned for upcoming details, and let us know what you think. Is anyone thinking of waiting for this bad boy?

[Source: MoDaCo Via: The Verge]

Edgar Cervantes

Motorola Droid 4 rooted, just like that

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  1. I hope they won’t put LCD display in it.

    1. I feel like Im the only one who prefers LCD…

      1. “Why would you do that?!?”
        I hate the black that is not black at all, I always melt inside when I look at someone’s phone with AMOLED display and see the true black…

        1. I dont mind the blacks on my LCD, but I do hate the blue tinted whites of OLEd, rather than. The white tinted whites of LCD…

  2. that is a beautiful phone

  3. Remove Sense and I’ll be interested.

    1. Root and u wont have to be at their mercy.

      1.  My Evo 3D is rooted and I’m still stuck with their crap…atleast until the ics/cm roms improve.

        1. Oh, I didn’t realize there were no non sense roms for the evo 3d… That does suck.

          1. Of course there are Senseless roms for the 3D.

  4. Who is getting that phone? Sprint I hope

  5. Carrier?

    1. Oh.. HSPA +… So if it comes stateside there is a good chance its going to Tmo. Wlohoo!

    2. Who gives a crap?

  6. Why capacitive touch buttons? Can someone explain why manufacturers are still doing this for 4.0 phones?

    1. Because they take up a good part of the screen, especially on phones.

      On tablet’s there’s no status bar, where the buttons are is also the notifications, but on Smartphones there would be a status bar AND these buttons, it takes away from what little screen you already have.

      1. No buttons need on galaxy nexus. In fact if the GN had the same screen size and captive/hard buttons it would be to big, right now it is the perfect size.

        1. Actually the buttons are not what dictates the size of the phone.  The HTC Titan has capacitive buttons and a 4.7″ screen yet its smaller than the galaxy nexus.  The Nexus is 5.33in tall while the Titan is 5.18in tall (check out phone-size.com). 

          The Nexus could support capacitive buttons with its current size.  Google just chose to use on-screen buttons to demonstrate that its possible.  It kills me when I read comments saying “why are they still using cap. buttons with ICS!”.  

          There is no Google standard that says on-screen buttons are better.  ICS gives you the option to use whichever the manufacturer prefers.  Isn’t that why we all like Android in the first place – the ability to choose what we like versus being told what to like.

          1. Agreed and well said.

          2. He’ll ya I like the way you put it and some people think because they own a phone everyone else’s phone’s should be like their lol.

          3. The action bar deprecates the menu button.  Simple as that.  
            ICS supports the menu button as legacy.


    2. my guess is these phones were in development before 4.0 was fully announced, so the buttons were added before they knew the buttons weren’t needed. hopefully we’ll start seeing phones take advantage of the on screen buttons.

      1. I personally dont like the on screen buttons or I dont think they are all they special. I had a G Nex for about 11 days…and the on screen buttons weren’t all that special.

        The Menu button in apps is very nice and more to right home about than the on screen buttons. IMO.

  7. Please be the next Evo

    1. HSPA+, doubtful, this will likely land on T-Mobile.

      1. Please bring this bad boy to the fastest HSPA+ Network, T-Mobile USA.

    2.  I’ll buy out my E3D in a heartbeat! C’mon Sprint. :)

  8. I hope it goes on att

  9. If Verizon gets it, I’ll strongly consider it along with the Galaxy Nexus.

  10. why hasn’t there been an android with a smart button, a button to launch any app in sleep mode? kinda like windows phone camera button, launch camera app from sleep? btw, design of this phone is very lacklusting imo. the extended alluminum wrapping the the speaker and the bottom bezel is necessary on htc phone, i prefer clean flat glass surface. the back would look better plain like the bottom half, the area around the camera is kinda distracting. htc said, they will focus on making quality phone design in 2012. still look like patch work to me. don’t get me wrong, i like htc phone and material, just not not htc look. my favorite htc design is the hd7. 

  11. If it comes to Verizon I may upgrade from my rock solid amazing rezound.

  12. I will consider this or the G SIII. Just make it a Verizon phone. 

    1. Yeah, I agree. This would be awesome to see running on VZW!!! ;)

    2. HSPA+ == Not Verizon.

  13. What network will it be on?  Say’s HSPA+ so either T-Mo or At&t.
    At&t is increasing their upgrade fee from $18 to $36. Right when I was going to switch carriers, now I don’t know :(

  14. This or iPhone 5….

  15. Unless this device has a battery the size of the Razr Maxx, most likely it will be a battery hog, like every other HTC device out now.

  16. @Steve hall the galaxy nexus sucks this thing has twice the specs of that phone if it does come to verizon I will be purchasing it and who ever commented about the sense being removed that’s what makes an htc amazing devices they are completely customizable with sense I can’t wait to see sense 4.0 I bet it’s amazing ..Joey -Baltimore Maryland

  17. This phone puts the Galaxy Nexus to shame.

  18. Beautiful phone with drool-worthy specs… still rocking the venerable DInc – love HTC.

  19. Coming from htc, I take the term “flagship” with a grain of salt. The thunderbolt was a flagship device.

    Whenever I see a new htc phone I think to myself….hmmm looks nice, I wonder if the power button will work after a full week on this one?

    1. Not trying to be argumentative, but the Thunderbolt was not really an htc flagship device.

      1. It was their first LTE phone on Verizon….I think that qualifies as flagship on Verizon.

        1. I respectfully disagree on ur definition of flagship phone, Iguess. Which brings me to what I think htc needs to do. I think they would be wise to take a page out of samsungs book and design a phone that they can release worldwide and on all 4 major U.S. carriers, ala the galaxy s series. I think that would go a long way to getting htc back to prominence. Getting the nexus back wouldn’t hurt either. I still think the n1 was the sexiest of the three to date.

  20. All of these awesome specs backed up with a top-notch, beastly 1650 mAh Battery!!!!

  21. I hope it launches soon to make a difference, if too close to Galaxy s3.0 I rather the latter.

  22. Sprint and Verizon are both CDMA. It won’t be going there – no HSPA+.

  23. so much want

  24. I’m guessing this will be overseas and on t-mobile usa?

  25. ugly ass looking phone, when will htc design sxy sleek phones? ugh

  26. HSPA+?!?! Guess that means no Verizon which will tick me off!  Been looking forward to this phone and nothing Verizon has excites me. ARG!!!!

  27. CDMA?

  28. Yo it is quad-core! just leave HTC sense where it is. I am just disappointed that they didn’t include NFS.

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