
Netflix 1.7 for Android Adds Volume Slider, Sharing to Facebook for Various Countries


Another Android application has been updated to add to the huge list of updates we’ve had this week. This time, Netflix is our benefactor and they’ve brought some useful features for both tablet users and virtual socialites alike. For the former, a new volume slider has been added to the application for an easy way to adjust volume without having to reach for your tablet’s physical buttons. For the latter, you can now share which content you’re watching to Facebook in Latin America, Canada, the UK and Ireland. Netflix is also boasting improved audio/video syncing and has fixed a few bugs here and there. You can find the update here.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. lol it says Facebook? o_O

  2. Facebook 1.7?

  3. Mark Z just watched “Catholic High School Girl’s in Trouble”.

  4. Why haven’t they updated it for HD devices?  I want HD on my Galaxy Nexus, but the HD Netflix .apk that comes on the Droid RAZR (which doesn’t have an HD display..?  lol) doesn’t work on anything past 4.0.2 at the moment >o.

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