
Jotly Finally Available For Android – Rate Everything In Your Life


A few months ago, Jotly, an app parody video was uploaded to YouTube highlighting the world’s insatiable urge to share and rate everything in their lives — no matter how mundane — with the entire world. After watching the vid, the first thing that came to mine and many others’ minds was how fun an actual Jotly app would be. That is, if the app actually existed.

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Well, as it turns out, that was exactly the overwhelming feedback Firespotter, developers of the dish rating restaurant app, Nosh, received after releasing the video and and guess what? A fully working version of Jotly was just released onto the Android Market.

Simply put — this app is amazing. Jotly lets you rate absolutely everything in your life, without the fuss of installing separate apps just to share little snippets of your life with friends online. Not only was Jotly already voted 2013’s app of the year, but users are already reporting that the app is better than dragon slaying, resulting in the uninstalling of every other app on their device. Because really, there is no longer any use for them. Here are just a few of Jotly’s features:

– Search for nearby items. Even if it’s a piece of lint, it might be really awesome. Jotly will help you find it
– Find the best and worst things at any place. Like ducks? Jotly will show you big and little ducks
– Share your ratings with everyone in the world
– Earn influence points and become a “Top Jotter”
– Move around freely. Jotly will automatically go where your phone does
– Sign up without Facebook or Twitter

You can watch the original Jotly promo video — back when it was still a joke — below.

[Market Link]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. google chrome keep saying this web site got malware…

    1. Yeah, apparently it was some ad on the site that’s since been removed. Just going to take awhile before Google, Firefox, etc are updated. =/

      But it’s safe now! I promise =p

  2. This app is very wonderful. I look at the world differently now. I want to grade everything! Lol

      1. I can see school teachers using this app liberally.

  3. All I get on my G2 is a loading sign… I’m able to upload things though.
    By the way Chris, you’re a solid B+ =D

  4. i just liked this

  5. I seriously hope this app ends up being far more popular “serious” ones, like Oink and Stamped.

  6. Looks cool, wonder how many friends i could have here from asia hehe

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