
Amazon Has the Motorola DROID Bionic for $120


If you were unlucky enough to miss out on Amazon’s Verizon-only penny pincher sale a while back and you wanted to get the DROID Bionic, they have another deal up for you. You can get the 4.3 inch dual-core 4G LTE device for $120. While it’s nowhere near the value of getting it for a penny, it’s still a pretty price up against the everyday price Verizon offers it for. Even with the imminent launches of the Motorola DROID RAZR and the Galaxy Nexus, it’s still a fine device. Head here to get started.

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Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. ok for serious: if you follow this blog and are interested in the droid bionic after the HTC rezound being announced yesterday, say I in the comments below…

  2. That’s $150 too much

    1. So they should pay you $30 to take the phone?  =p

      1.  Yes, it is a PoS comparatively.  In June it would have been a great phone.  In September, it was crap.  Now, it is worse than that.

  3. I really wonder what Verizon will price the Bionic at when the big 3 launch this month.  If they keep it at $300, then they’re straight retarded.  It should be be put down to $200 at most.

    1. If I recall I think they are going to take a whopping $50 off. This is Verizon we’re talking about.

    2. I am not sure why this is a big deal.  The phone was a $0.01 the other week.

  4. I don’t care for HTC products.

  5. I gave my girlfriend so much shit for getting this phone a week ago at 230, I’m on Tmobile and would kill for an opportunity to get the nexus…women…

  6. I just want to go on the record as a Bionic owner that I couldn’t be happier with this phone. Everything is silky smooth and I have no issues with the bugs that supposedly plague this phone (I can use any charger, switch between data sources seamlessly, etc). I love the great big gorilla glass screen and it’s thin enough to all but disappears into my pocket. A couple of the Moto apps are mildly useful and you don’t have to look at the ones that aren’t on your homescreen, and with 16 GB on-board plus 16GB (upgradable to 32GB) on an SD it’s not like you’re hurting for space.

    I have no idea why it’s given such a hard time.

    I’m also looking forward to CyanogenMod getting polished up and will probably run CM7, or just wait for CM9 since I’m guessing they’ll beat Motorola and Verizon to getting ICS on the thing.

    Of course there are phones that out-spec it now, but there are phones coming out that outspec the GN in many ways and it isn’t even on the shelves yet so it’s not like if you wait long enough you’ll get a phone that will still be cutting edge a month or two after it’s out.

    Anyway – to anybody out there considering this phone and nervous about the lack of prestige it carries: don’t be. This phone rocks.

  7. I own a Bionic, and would buy 3 more before EVER owning another htc piece of squeaky crap!!
    Same goes for the new Moto Droid iphone (razr) No removable battery = FAIL!
    And if you just keep waiting for the next BIG bad phone to drop you will never get one, as soon as one drops another get announced that beats it.. 
    So just find one that works for you and be done.. 
    The people that complain about how much better the razr will be than the bionic must be psychic’s because its not even out yet..And the difference in speed is so small you may never even notice.. What you will notice is the inability to swap batteries tho..

  8. Well I own a Bionic too and it’s not all that great.  Don’t get me wrong, it has sum nice features, but I don’t appreciate the bugs.  Apps disappearing (not just icons, whole apps), data dropping, HDMI icon not going away when u unplug it… etc.  And these aren’t issues that can be solved by pulling the battery.  Matter of fact, everytime I restart the phone I lose even more apps!  The only thing left from the apps are the data (settings, accnt info)… If it wasn’t for that, I would have no clue what apps are even missing at any given moment because it’s random.
    No thanks, I’ll take the Rezound or SGN… maybe even a RAZR (or not). None of these phones are perfect (a combo of the 3 would be!). Amazon said I can exchange it w/in 30 days bcuz of my circumstance and that just happens to be right after those 3 phones drop.  I’ll be calling them in 2 weeks.

    1. I have a Bionic, too. No complaints – no problems at all. If it’s really that problematic for you, take it back. That’s what warranties are for.

      Why anyone would accept anything less than a perfectly running device is a mystery to me.

  9. Have one, its a great phone but there’s too many bugs. Eclipse v1.0 fixed alot of those bugs though ;). Bye bye crappy stock ROM.

  10. Wow.. killer deal. Almost makes me want to pass on the rezound. But I love HTC too much.

  11. And now you can get 3 more for the price you paid for yours. I sent mine back on day 5. Too many problems

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