
Amazon Appstore Targets Android Power Users With Special “Geek Week” App Sale


Looks like Amazon is trying to get in nice with Android power/rooted users by introducing an app sale geared directly towards them. They’re calling it “The Big Deal: Geek Week” sale and they’ve slashed the prices on many popular Android utility and root apps in the Amazon Appstore. Here’s the full list of what is available.

  • Easy Tether $9.99 –> $4.99
  • Root Explorer $3.99 –> $0.99
  • WidgetLocker $for $0.99
  • Wave Launcher $1.99 –> $0.99
  • SetCPU $2 –> $0.99
  • RepliGo Reader $4.99 –> $1.99
  • Xtralogic Remote Desktop Client $24.95 –> $12.99
  • BackupEverything $1.99 –> $0.99

If you have yet to try out the Amazon Appstore there’s no better time than right now. You can save yourself some time and download the Appstore directly from Amazon’s servers here. Enjoy.

[Geek Week Link]

[Via AndroidPolice]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Thanks for the heads up. I went ahead and got Root Explorer.

  2. Damnit…I paid 3.99 for Root explorer about 2 hours ago. >.<

  3. Picked up root explorer….great price

  4. Now I’m the only dev chiming, but this is a clear indication of how crappy a deal the Amazon App Store is for developers. I bet no developer “participating” was notified of “geek week”. Amazon provides asymmetric value such that they win big and consumers win big and anyone in the middle gets trampled and they are stepping mightly hard on developers and honestly disrespecting the craft if you ask me. I suppose such price slashings would be OK if Amazon truly was held to the public contract for paying a minimum of 20% to developers _even_ for the free app of the day. This drastic price slashing is a direct example of the _consideration_ a developer gives to Amazon for the promise in the public contract of being paid a minimum of 20% when apps are heavily discounted or made free. Seriously Amazon should be paying developers for the free app of the day even if it costs them $50-$100k+ a day (heck cap it at $50k, but stop trampling devs!) because you have to make it up for all the other price cutting times they _absolutely_ kill developer revenue.

    Sucks to be the Root Explorer dev with a 75% price slashing. Developers pull out of the Amazon app store!!!

    The only time it makes sense to list your apps on the Amazon app store is if your business model is in app purchases or one up sells users.

  5. glad I already own root explorer and setcpu, cough, at full price =/

  6. can root explorer do anything yaffs explorer can’t? I’m rooted and use Yaffs Explorer for everything and I haven’t run in to any issues. It gives you the option to give it root access.

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