A couple of years ago, Google debuted its Tensor chipset. This is the first custom chipset from Google, a change in pace from before where the company largely relied on companies like Qualcomm for the chipsets used to power its Pixel phones.
But despite it being a “custom” chipset, a lot of its components were largely sourced from other companies such as Samsung. This means that in a way, you could consider the Tensor chipset to be like a repackaged Samsung chipset of sorts. That is expected to change in the next couple of years.
In a report from The Information (paywall), it seems that in 2025, Google is expected to launch its first true custom Tensor chipset in the form of the Tensor G5, and that the company will be working with TSMC to make that happen. What this means is that Google is expected to replace the components made by other companies with components it designed themselves.
This should give Google greater control over how its Pixel phones perform, and also what its Android operating system can do. Apple already does something similar with its own A-series of chipsets and the Apple Silicon, where the company has acquired various smaller companies over the years and used their IPs to build their own technology.
2025 is still a few years away and we’re not sure how much better a true custom Tensor chipset will perform over its current iterations, but it’s still an exciting development that we’re keeping an eye out on.
Source: 9to5Google