WhatsApp group chats are a useful way to stay in contact with friends, family members, and colleagues. Right now, WhatsApp group chats have a limit of 512 people, which honestly for the most part is way more than necessary for a lot of users, but it seems that WhatsApp thinks it could be bigger.
In a report from WABetaInfo, they have discovered that WhatsApp is planning to increase the maximum number of users in a group chat, going from 512 users to a whopping 1,024 users in total. Now, like we said, 512 is plenty for a lot of users, so 1,024 users does feel a bit like overkill, but there could be a good reason for that.
At the moment, WhatsApp competes with other messenger platforms like Telegram. Telegram already allows users to create channels/group chats with over 1,000 users which is useful for companies who are looking for a way to broadcast information to users other than your typical social media platforms.
By allowing for bigger group chats, perhaps WhatsApp is hoping that businesses will start to consider using its platform for similar operations. The feature isn’t live yet as it was spotted in the beta, but we expect that it should eventually be rolled out to users in a future update to the app.
Source: WABetaInfo