
Sharing Videos Made Easy For Android 1.5


The Google Mobile Blog has just posted an article highlighting the new YouTube uploads feature on Android 1.5. This is of course made possible by the fact that Android 1.5 has video recording while Android 1.1 – which us unrooted grunts in the US are stuck with for the time being – does not. Sharing videos is only one of the numerous improvements:

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  • YouTube: record and easily upload videos to YouTube.
  • Picasa Web Albums: upload photos directly to your Picasa Web Albums.
  • Gmail: multiple-thread selection to easily archive, delete, label or mute several threads at once.
  • Search by voice: improved speech recognition.

Watch what you do in public! The proliferation of camera phones kicked it off, but with recording videos and sharing them so simple, Olympic Swimmers around the world had better be very afraid. Or very happy depending on what type of “good life” you live.

All you have to do is tap “share” in your video options and you’ll get the following screen:


Picasa works the same way – just view the pic and tap share! There are privacy options to make uploaded videos/pics viewable only by certain friends as well. The other two updates noted are batch editing actions for emails and better voice search through improved voice recognition. The batch edit feature is displayed below:


I think the YouTube upload feature is what we’ll find most exciting here. Once there are tens of millions of Android phones around the world, I think we’re all likely to see a lot more awesome, outrageous, terrifying, crazy, ridiculous, sentimental, etc… stuff. Lets face it – the video camera never catches some of the things we would most like to remember but Android 1.5 makes recording everything a breeze.

Still… I’m a little scared of what this means for culture in general. We’ve already stooped so low – this will only help to document it further. Maybe you should have to pass an IQ test to use the “share” feature…

[Via GoogleMobileBlog]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Here here on that last sentence! I know uploading video to Youtube (the few times I have) was a bit of a hassle in terms of how long it took. I know this is a much smaller file size than what I was dealing with, but still curious what upload times should be expected for both EDGE and 3G video.ideo.

  2. that last paragraph – I’m sorry, but what?? I’ll just pretend I didn’t read it. Come on, you can do better than that…

  3. I chose youtube as the default for this action and now can’t seem to change back. any ideas?

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