
Android O has been confirmed to be coming to the OnePlus 3 and 3T


When there are new versions of Android being released, it’s always natural to wonder whether your current smartphone will be updated. OnePlus doesn’t have the greatest track record when it comes to updating its devices, as the OnePlus 2 is still making its rounds in the world without Android Nougat, despite being compatible.

On the bright side, OnePlus CEO Pete Lau took to Twitter this morning to confirm that Android O would, in fact, be making its way to the OnePlus 3 and 3T. Now, it’s a bit too early in the game to start wondering when the update would be launched, as Android O hasn’t even been launched yet.

While we are expecting to see Android O moved out of its beta status later this year, we are hoping that OnePlus is already working towards bringing this to its newest devices. It’s also probable that considering where we are with the Android O beta, the OnePlus 5 won’t run O out of the box, instead opting for Android 7.1.1 or 7.1.2 Nougat.

Once more information is made available, we’ll be sure to let everyone know what’s going on.


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