
YouTube for Android gets deeper VR features


YouTube for Android is getting a pretty nice update today. This one brings some neat new features for those who enjoy watching content in VR. For starters, Google’s going a step further than 360-degree videos. You’ll still get 360 degrees of goodness, but when viewing through a Google Cardboard unit you’ll now get a truer sense of depth.

youtube vr 1

You’ll be able to easily distinguish between near and far objects as if you were actually at the scene. You can give it a try yourself by watching one of the various VR videos from this handy playlist.

youtube vr 2

Google is also opening up VR for every single video on YouTube when using Cardboard. This obviously won’t transform every video into a 360-degree masterpiece like the ones above, but it’ll look a lot more immersive than it would otherwise. All you’ll need is the latest update and a Cardboard unit, so drop your phone in and check it out.

[via Google]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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