
SimCity BuildIt now available to download from Google Play in most regions


simcity buildit 2

EA’s SimCity BuildIt promised a fun city-building and managing experience on the go, but that experience debuted for only a small subset of the Android userbase. Thankfully those restrictions have been lifted as the game is now available to download in most regions around the world.

The game is a free-to-play rendition of EA’s popular PC series, and yes, that means there are microtransactions aplenty. Your job is to not only build a city that residents will want to live in, but to solve the many challenges and issues that pop up each and every day from there on out. You build out your typical residential, commercial and industrial sectors to get the basic economy flowing, and then you follow that up with landmarks, public services and other necessities to help your city grow.

simcity buildit

The game does get a bit social as you’re allowed to trade resources with your friends, but that’s about it as far as multiplayer goes. SimCity BuildIt’s visuals shine through the best on tablet, with a nicely-modeled 3D world ready for your fingers to begin pecking away at. It’s worth a try with an initial price tag of $0 so give it a go via Google Play if you aren’t lucky enough to live in one of the regions the game was already available in.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Let me guess, you have to buy all but 3 types of building and/or the construction is in real world building times and you have to pay to speed it up…wouldn’t surprise me if you have to pay the public sector wages with real money too.

    1. Haha! Spot on… THANKS EA!

    2. This kills the game.

  2. Been playing this game for the past three months now and haven’t spend any real money. I am at the stage where my tax income has become quite sustainable and I can do as I please.

  3. “It’s worth a try with an initial price tag of $0”

    Aww. I was hoping it would cost about $4, then it might be designed to be fun rather than frustrating. It’s worth a shot but it’s messed up that free has become disappointing.

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