I woke this morning to find I had zero 3g coverage on Verizon. No data! Maps, Google Talk, Market, Browser – all dead. I probably restarted my phone 5 times, went through the settings a couple, and even REMOVED THE BATTERY.. but to no avail.
Fortunately it only took but a glance on our forums to see I’m not alone. Both our Motorola Droid and HTC Droid Eris sections are abuzz (unlike Google Buzz, which is just sad these days) with users all across the country missing 3G. There’s some talk over at VZW’s forums, too. Some have it, some don’t.
So fear not – it’s not just you and with any luck everything will be back to normal before too long. Don’t know much else now but we will update this post as more details emerge.
Update: Finally got through to a CS rep: All he had to say was: “No new alerts or ETAs sent out to us.. but it is a known issue affecting much of the EVDO 1x areas.” ..for whatever that’s worth to ya. Also, we do have a few users reporting 3g coming back up (and then back down for some) for them. As well as a couple saying they got it working by turning airplane mode on and off, or the ‘ol 228 option 1 trick. Neither of which worked for me. I guess it’s pretty clear – VZW has nationwide intermittent network issues.
Update 2: More users are reporting it coming back. It is now back for me personally as well – after a “eh, why not” reboot a couple minutes ago it connected back to 3g.
Update 3: WSJ reports VZW has fixed the issue. If it’s not up for you – try rebooting your phone. (That’s just Talton the non-VZW-tech’s suggestion. Worked for me and at least one other person on the forums)
It’s up for me, that was an ugly 4 minutes!
Looks like a nationwide 3G outage. meh.
My phone was dead this morning, my alarm didn’t go off. :/ Pulled the battery and it powered up but it was at 20%. Wonder what drained it so bad..
The solution to this is to dial *228 and select option 1 to program your phone. I did it once and my phone connected to the 3G network right away.
Yea happend to me too in indiana took battery out worked after that
Adam: I tried that this morning, too. Option 2 worked, Option 1 failed altogether. Edit: I tried again now (about 1.5 hours in between attempts) and it was successful this time – but still no 3g.
I didn’t have 3g for a couple minutes this morning. I turned on airplane mode then turned it off and I was then connected to 3g.
3G here in Illinois, no issues so far.
Ive been up since 5am NYC time. Had 3G the whole time. no outage at all. guess im a lucky one. Moto Droid!
If the android devices loose the network connection, the battery drains like it has a hole in it as it frantically tries to reconnect. I had this problem with my Cliq when my blackberry data plan was accidently not renewed. I was literally watching it drop 1% every 2 minutes.
Speaking of the battery i had it act up the other day was at 80% then 20 min later dropped down to 10%
Here in DC, had problems with it yesterday, but not today.
DROID in dock all nite, no power prob, 3G seems to be working fine in WI <>. ♥ DROID
3G here in Phoenix, AZ. No problems.
So Verizon is looking to be competitive with AT&T now?
No problems here…Fl.
We were down for about 1 hour in eastern NC. Back up @ 0915.
down in boston. tried the airplane mode fix … didn’t work. oh well … I’m at work so I can be patient :)
I had my droid in the motorola dock all night (it was at 15% battery before this) and I woke up to find it in the startup sequence (you know, the white motorola logo). Once it was on, I noticed that the battery was completely dead. Also, my alarm didn’t go off :(
Could a loss of 3G really drain the battery to the point that even though the phone is charging from a wall outlet, it can’t keep the phone powered on?
@mr.data, I sometimes have that same problem. I’m wondering if I should pursue replacing the battery.
My Nexus One is working fine on T-Mobile, at 690 kbps down and 724 kbps up as a matter of fact. :)
I believe it is a conspiracy of AT&T jamming VZW 3G coverage as a last attempt to make them look bad.
Also, 3G is working just fine here.
This worked for me:
1. Call *228, options 1 & 2 (two calls required to do both).
2. Hold power button and select the Power off option. (Never just take the battery out. It’s like a computer and wants to shutdown properly, regardless of what the VZW bozo/reps say.)
3. Take out battery for 30 seconds.
4. Power on and rejoin the world!!!
Never went down in Michigan for me :)
Been streaming Pandora Radio (HQ) since 8:30am EST. So, no problems here, Upstate NY.
Sprint ftw
I woke up this morning got into work
to find that I had Zero service, tried
*228 nothing, rebooted my phone and
its was back up.
western PA – out from some users in office, not others…??
No problems what so ever in eastern NC.
Never went down in New Orleans.. hope it stays that way!
Hope it comes back up for everyone it is down for.. we LIVE by our phones!!
All was fine in Tampa, FL this morning..
never saw any downtime here in Columbia, SC. Has been working fine all morning.
At 9:08am (hour ago) I got an email from my data guy in my company saying.
There is a NATIONWIDE DATA ISSUE. Data service is not working properly and trouble tickets have been issued to fix the problem! If you have customers that are experiencing problems please reassure them that it is a known and VZW has taken action on the issue.
So its being worked on.
I had the same problem this morning, I live in Utah. This reminded me so much of AT&T’s 3g coverage map….LAME
When I’m home I keep it on WiFi but not for lack of 3g.. just habit I guess. I’ve had it on WiFi all morning and just switched it to the network and I don’t see any issues..
Droid, Utah
no issues in Harrisburg pa
No issues in St. Louis, mo. My mathclass is in a shithole better known as forest park community college. No 3g coverage there.
3G here in Tampa, Fl. But still no 2.1 or flash. Lol just thought id complain about that…..
It’s back for me, now.
Santa Clara, CA- Its been working fine for me.. i didnt seem to have any 3G issue in my area
WSJ reports VZW has fixed the issue. If it’s not up for you – try rebooting your phone. (That’s just Talton the non-VZW-tech’s suggestion. Worked for me and at least one other person on the forums)
Something like this, is why I think keeping the phone frequencies separate from the data frequencies is still best. Imagine being VOIP only for your phone.. I think most people can live with data going down for short periods of time infrequently, but nobody is going to find it acceptable if they can’t make or receive calls.
Went down around 7:15 am EST in Louisville, didn’t try rebooting, went to school, working at 2:30 pm EST after school. I see it kind of like a power outage–shit happens, it’s rare, it works fine afterwards.
And anyway, it’ll help us sympathize with the AT&T people who never had it to begin with.
On dock all night woke up fully charged and 3g no problems in utah
No problems with service or phone here in HI, have to say this is the first phone that I have not had any complaints whatsoever in the first year of ownership, GO GOOGLE
I call my wife’s Driod from home and get sent to another person’s cell phone or another person’s voice mail immediately. Called Verizon and the first person I talked to called my wife’s phone and experienced the same problem. The Verizon tech told me to have my wife dile *73 to clear some strange block and forward function that may have been set in error. Verizon stated that ther have been problems with the screen not locking whe a call is received or dialed and when one has the phone pressed against their face, random numbers are pressed on the on-screen dial pad. This sets the odd function. *73 was supposed to clear it. It didn’t. The 2nd Verizon person told me it must be my land line phone. I pointed out that this could not be the problem since the previous tech called my wife’s phone and had the same problem. He told me to pull the battery and see if it fixes the prob. By the way, this is the 2nd droid. They replaced the first one due to callers not hearing a clear voice on their end. The 2nd phone is the same. Completely frustrated and dissapointed with the Droid. Will probably take it back for a Blackberry on Monday, as much as I hate to because I like the features of the Droid. Still within the initial 30 day window fortunately!
I have Sprint and i have the HTC Hero and I have been having the same problems as you guys but I dont know what to do can someone help me pls.
I know I’ve had times where my Samsung Moment has wanted to stick in 1x. Whenever this has happened so far, I basically turned on airplane mode and then off again (to reboot the radio), and that gets EVDO going again. Hopefully something in 2.1 will fix this intermittent problem.
is any of you guys having issue with gmail not working properly? I dont seem to receive any short of gmail emails. but i receive my yahoo emails..