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Apps start getting updated with Chromecast support



Chromecast will start reaching people’s doorsteps very soon. In fact, those who went to the event already have it (check our hands-on), so Google and its partner need to act fast to get those apps updated with Chromecast support.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

So far, Google has only updated a couple apps but the list should be growing soon. The list below will show you what apps you can use as soon as you get your Chromecast. We will be updating it, so stay tuned and come back here when you get your own Chromecast!

Chromecast Compatible Apps

How many of you guys got the Chromecast dongle? I ordered mine and should be getting it in a couple days! I can’t wait to check it out!

Edgar Cervantes

Unboxing and hands-on with the New Nexus 7 [VIDEO]

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Unboxing and first look at the Google Chromecast [VIDEO]

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  1. i think im going to buy this too!!! ima buy everything google!!!

    1. nef quintero?

  2. Yeah, just ordered from Amazon with a delivery date of July 30th. Can’t wait! Especially if they make local content available…Yup.

    1. Why not get it right from Google Play?

      1. Faster shipping + No tax. Why would I get it from Google play?

        1. Actually Amazon does charge tax, at least for California residents. I had to pay the tax. But it’s prime eligible, so I will have mine on Friday!

        2. Good to know, that’s why I asked!

      2. Free shipping.

      3. Free 2 day shipping on Amazon, and depending on what state you live in, no tax.

    2. Nothing about local content working out of the box, but I wouldn’t bet again developers figuring out a way around that.

      1. Local content? You mean stuff on your drive and network? I had never tried this before, but I just copied the path to an avi and pasted that into Chrome, and the video played.

        Anything Chrome plays can be sent to Chromecast.

        1. You are a genius. It’s so simple, that it works. Just tested it on an 20GB MKV file hosted on my home server. Chrome played the video, but no sound. Probably something that could be worked out. I hope the XBMC guys are working on this.

        2. Interesting! I can’t wait to get mine and try that out!

  3. Wait… so if I don’t order it directly from Google, I get it faster?!

    1. That’s almost a given (coming from a Nexus 7 and Nexus 4 preorderer/early buyer)

      1. мy coυѕιɴ ιѕ мαĸιɴɢ $51/нoυr oɴlιɴe. υɴeмployed ғor α coυple oғ yeαrѕ αɴd prevιoυѕ yeαr ѕнe ɢoт α $1З619cнecĸ wιтн oɴlιɴe joв ғor α coυple oғ dαyѕ. ѕee мore αт…­ ­ViewMore——————————————&#46qr&#46net/kkEj

        Last weekend i was at my friends
        using the netflix app on my android phone, and the casting button popped
        up, telling me i could send my stream to his ps3, but i couldn’t get it
        working, i wonder if its live now? this is going to final be the
        standarization wireless video has been waiting for

    2. And without shipping, if you aren’t a Prime Member. :)

      1. Damn.. oh well.. Amazon pulled it from their store.

  4. I bought it from Amazon.

    1. AMAZON is sold out,ATM.

      Got one each from BEST BUY & GOOGLE.

      BEST BUY has quicker/earlier ship dates than GOOGLE,especially if you’re willing to pay for Expedited OR Express delivery.

      1. GOOD to KNOW. I got mine from BEST BUY SINCE they have CLOSE warehouses TO ME and I get POINTS.

        WHY are we YELLING intermediate WORDS, BTW?

        1. Not yelling,just capitalizing NAME BRANDS & ACRONYMS,not an obscure practice,as you suggest.

          Kinda figured one wouldn’t need a map to lead them to that conclusion……….

          1. Not OBSCURE, but certainly NONSTANDARD and kind of DISTRACTING. Thought I would DROP A HINT via SARCASM. :P



          3. If you are Traytard thug wannabe why don’t you just off yourself now?

          4. That escalated quickly…

  5. My delivery date is the 26th and I ordered from amazon

  6. imma wait until i am able to buy 5,one for each tv in my house!!!

    1. Why not just slowly buy them?

      1. idk just sounded good.

  7. Since Amazon is selling the Chromecast, somebody should ask them when they’ll be supporting it with their video service.

    1. What? You can’t ask? :rollseyes

  8. Got mine at Best Buy 30 mins ago!

    1. LoL!! Really?

    2. Same here! This thing is pretty awesome so far.

  9. As a Netflix subscriber, this is a no brainer for me to buy it. I think I pay $8/month for Netflix, so the three free months that come with Chromecast means I will only pay $11.

    1. Any idea of how you take advantage of the 3 free months if you are already a netflix subscriber?

      1. The code can be applied whether you’re a new customer or an existing subscriber–your account will be credited accordingly.

      2. It’ll come with a code you can enter in your Netflix account for 3 months credit.

    2. Netflix is 8.95 so you’re basically only paying 8.15 for this.

      1. Netflix is $7.99/month.

        1. Yeah I realized that after I posted and didn’t bother correcting my post.

          1. it’s $8.57/mo for me in SC, it’s taxed depending on your state.
            was once $7.99 for me in NC

  10. Is there a video of the breakfast event floating around somewhere?

  11. Netflix from Chrome works wonderfully to Chromecast! Picked mine up from Best Buy in Wilson, NC (I live in Rocky Mount, tho). They had 9 more left …

  12. I have four Roku’s and was going to replace an old one with a new Roku 3. If Hulu gets on board — which they will surely do — I can go this route.

  13. Just got email confirmation that mine arrives tomorrow. Thanks Amazon!

  14. Why not just walk into Best Buy and get it? The one close to me had 10 available. Went and picked one up today :D

  15. Would I be able to use this with games?

  16. Chromecast is already available in the chrome web store at least for chrome netbooks

  17. Last weekend i was at my friends using the netflix app on my android phone, and the casting button popped up, telling me i could send my stream to his ps3, but i couldn’t get it working, i wonder if its live now? this is going to final be the standarization wireless video has been waiting for

  18. the chromecast feature isn’t really new, the smart tvs already has it since several years.
    but it’s nice, so now you can buy a low budget tv, and turn it to a smart tv as well. that’s cool. i think i will go for it.. since i often stream youtube clips, (exhaustingly) trough serviio.

  19. Waiting for mine to arrive from Amazon. Ordered it yesterday

  20. So i’ve opened up both Play Music and Play Movies.. where is this chromecast button? Also how does this work in my Chrome browser for Win 7? is there an extension?

    1. Yes, there’s an extension in the Chrome store for your browser. There’s updates for those two apps.

      As for the Play apps… I swear I saw the Chromecast buttons last night when I was playing around on my tablet (don’t have a Chromecast in hand yet though) but as I sit here with my phone….I’m not seeing it. Odd. It’s really obvious when you see it though.

    2. download the Chromecast app from the play store. I think you have to use that

  21. I wonder will get support with flixster

  22. I ordered on practically right away!

  23. i got it and it’s awesome! Check your local best buys. They have them in stock since yesterday.

  24. I wish I had been paying attention to Amazon. I looked for it immediately and then bought on Google. Would have been nice to save on shipping. Oh well. It should get here faster straight from Google, right?

  25. Chromecast looks seriously awesome at $35, but I got to ask the real question –

    If this can mirror specific apps like YouTube and Netflix, why can’t it simply mirror the entire device all the time? Why would Chromecast not just be built into Android 4.3 to mirror the ENTIRE device? Then it wouldn’t need all these individual app updates and it could work with actual Chrome, ROM emulators, everything…

    As an aside, my LG “smart tv” already supports this with Youtube and Netflix right in the TV so I don’t personally need this unless it just mirrors the entire device like I’m asking above.

    1. this would be awesome

    2. That would limit this functionality to Android devices, much like AirPlay. This way, whichever Developer wants to come on board can do so, irrespective of the device.

  26. please support google tv better. this is contrary to supporting google TV!!

  27. Can you play personal videos from the Google Movies app? and if so, will they chromecast?

  28. ordered it yesterday but currently sold out for now

  29. I will be at Best Buy Sunday morning to get this.

  30. Got mine today! $29 with my buddys discount ftw

  31. Hey ,the chromecast cannot mirror contents in the laptop to HDTV ,why ?

    1. It does. Drag and drop content that you have locally to a tab in Google Chrome. Chromecast that with the icon. Also there is an audio portion to play the audio coming from your laptop to the TV so if you have video with audio, it will play. Just make sure you have a good Wifi connection as things may get choppy.

  32. Walked into Best Buy today and bought one! In already trying it out and can’t wait till several apps start supporting it.

  33. Depending on how many they had in the initial wave, by the end of 6 weeks, there may be more chromecast capable devices(ps3 definitely seems to be getting it) then gtv’s. This is going to be great for getting app support. It’ll be interesting to see if anyone starts/is able to put up a pay wall.

  34. or you can just buy an hdmi cable for your phone for 10$ and broadcast everything to your tv lol

    1. I thought the same thing, but I’ve had bad experiences. First off most of the longer than 6 foot micro hdmi cords that are are $10-20 are incredibly thing and break easily. 2nd you can’t do anything else with your phone while you are streaming. 3rd its really annoying when every time you get a text/email/push notification you hear it through your tv speakers and miss a line of whatever you are watching. So there are trade offs. Also it’s difficult when buying cables to get the right length.

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