
Latest iOS 6 beta missing YouTube, but it has nothing to do with the smartphone wars


By now you’ve probably heard news that Apple has removed the YouTube from the iOS 6 beta. This is important considering there’s no other YouTube app to be had on iOS. I’m willing to bet many of you initially took this as a shot to Google.

Apple, as you know, is in a “thermonuclear” war, of sorts, against Android. While they haven’t been attacking Google and Android directly Apple has been going at some of Google’s biggest OEM partners, Samsung being the absolute biggest.

But the move to  remove YouTube from iOS 6 likely has very little to do with any of that. In fact, it probably has nothing to do with that. Apple did something they didn’t usually do and explained to us why they what they did. The answer?

Simple: their YouTube license ran out and they weren’t going to renew it. It still sounds shady in that regard, no? Well Apple went on to explain that Google was in the process of making its own YouTube app and that it would eventually be available in the App Store.

This just became a lot less interesting (and relevant) for us Android folks. Not only does it not have anything to do with Apple’s animosity toward Android, it’s actually the better route for them to take considering how crappy iOS’s current YouTube app is.

Google can create the experience they envisioned this way, and users can enjoy timely updates instead of Apple just letting it sit there like the piece of trash it is. And since iOS 6 is still in beta form practically no one is affected yet.

If you decided to install the beta build then that’s on you, not Apple. Consumer releases have been untouched and will probably remain so until Google releases its own app. Now let’s get back to your regularly scheduled programming, folks, because there’s pretty much nothing to see here. [The Verge]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. What Google should do is cut all Apple users off from any Google service. No YouTube, no GMail, no Google search……nothing. That will show them who is in control. I don’t think people would be buying any Apple devices if these services were restricted. #BoycottApple

    1. would be funny, but google wants apple users to use their service so it wont happen. any business is better than doing no business, so google will continue to do it. Google probably CAN neglect updating quality and support for iOS, but I doubt they would. That’s not their style and it’s hurting yourself as well anyway.

      And while apple would love to go ‘thermonuclear all over’ i don’t think its stupid enough to nuke everything google since they depend on things like youtube, so they’re going thermonuclear on spots only they want to go on lol. Even if they were to build their own streaming video site and try to pull a same stunt like with google maps, I think the popularity of youtube would make it much harder to sway people away as with google map use, which is easier to get iSheeps to convert imo.

    2. sad fact is Google needs sheep and crApple does in fact need google.

      1. All google has to do is continue making good products

    3. Google will never do that…Google makes way too much money off the data it collects from the millions of iPhone users to ever do that. Google doesn’t care if you use Android or iOS; they care about collecting user data and making profit off that data.

      1. Yeap that’s google for ya

      2. Oh well so the goog takes my data? its better than taking my hard earned money.

    4. Truth be told Google makes comparable money off Apple devices. There’s a reason why the new G+ at I/O was shown on an iPad 3…

    5. Theres literally no better alternative to youtube. Apple could simply make their own email service and use bing to search of course many people enjoy google products whether they realize it or not.

    6. Google’s business strategy revolves around software (and always has), not devices. The largest amount of their dollars go into Search, Operating Systems, Cloud Applications and Services. A large part of their profits are monetized from ad revenue by having the most people using as many of these technologies as possible. In its most basic form, for them, software distribution = ad syndication = money. To stop distributing their products even a small portion of the estimated 365 million iOS based devices would be detrimental to their goal of earning money for their company.

      It would be akin Samsung (or any other big manufacturer) saying lets take all our products out of every store and stop selling them ourselves online … wait a minute why are we bankrupt now?

      Its great that we live in a world where we are passionate about these sorts of changes, but I don’t see them adopting that as a solution.

  2. That phone looks like a GS2.

    1. No, the GS2 looks like that phone….. Go ahead down vote :)

      1. WOW no one likes you

        1. No apparently there are a few people that do

          1. Come on what did you expect, this is Phandroid. I think you were trolling cause the GS2 looks nothing like this iphone.

      2. Boooo.

      3. Where do you live?

  3. Doesn’t stop me to joining the ifan family and throwing away my gn.

    1. Hope that means you’ll stop trolling here.

      1. well, even if i switch over to iphone 5, i still can use my gn as toy or testing other roms. i also not going to stop reading android news. i like the OS, but this phone, GN, is really bugging me. no rom or kernel can give me more than 2hrs of screen time and the over heating top.

        1. Sounds like you have a defective battery, or you OC’ed your CPU too high, or you don’t have a Samsung battery. When i had my Gnex it lasted 5+ hours on moderate-heavy 4G usage (Verizon) with a standard battery. If you purchased the Gnex less than 1 year ago, go back to Verizon or Sprint and they will replace your battery.

  4. Apple will eventually make their own YouTube type program to steer people away from Google. They just did with their mapping service, and Google has been king of online maps for a decade.

  5. So… this means iPhone users won’t be able to upload video to YouTube until Google creates (and Apple approves) a new app?

    Many sites are saying “no problem, users will play videos in the browser”.

    What about uploads?

    This is just so much easier on Android.

    I shoot a video, Google+ uploads it for me.
    If I specifically want the video on YouTube, it’s 2 clicks away… share > YouTube.

    1. I got really curious, so I asked an iPhone user how she plans to upload content to YouTube when iOS 6 rolls out.

      She said “I don’t think we can do that”, checked her phone, and then confirmed that iPhone users never had upload functionality in the first place.

      1. Actually iPhone can upload to YouTube. It’s under the share option in the photos app

  6. You say it has nothing to do with the wars? I doubt that. Their License ran out and they aren’t renewing it because Google is working on an app? I’m guessing Google is working on an app because Apple wont renew the License because that would be giving Google MONEY and they don’t want to do that. Google doesn’t want to screw the user just Apple, so I could see them maybe charging $1 for the app.

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