The Wisesky W-cat Air Purifier is perfect for cat owners

All cats shed their hair. The only question is how much do they shed. Shedding is a natural process and for the most part, it isn’t necessarily harmful to humans. It can get messy, though, which is why if you own a cat and want to keep its shedding off your floor and furniture, then perhaps the Wisesky W-cat Air Purifier could be something worth checking out.

Strong, powerful suction

One of the key features of the Wisesky W-cat Air Purifier is that it offers strong suction of floating hair. The purifier features a 360-degree large grill inlet that is visibly exposed. The idea behind this design, according to Wisesky, is that it offers users a chance to see how much floating hair is actually present in your home and how much of it has been captured.

Floating cat hair can be caught and sucked into the machine where it sticks to the surface, preventing it from falling to the ground or other parts of your home, keeping it neat and tidy. The company also says that the filter is designed for cats in mind. It features the use of multi-gradient electrostatic filtration material.

It is disposable and easy to replace if necessary. You can also clean the filter using a piece of Velcro, although there are 10 filters that come bundled with the air purifier so you should be set for a while.

Lastly, the air purifier also supports UVC three-dimensional sterilization technology. This helps kill 99.9% of germs to help keep your home and your cat relatively free from potentially harmful germs.

Not just an air purifier

In addition to being an air purifier, the Wisesky W-cat Air Purifier actually doubles as some kind of climbing station for your cat. This isn’t necessarily designed to be that way on purpose, but considering that there is a chance your cat could climb onto it, Wisesky has taken that into account.

For starters, the top of the air purifier features a concave design, instead of more traditional air outlets you might find from your typical air purifier. This is designed to make it so that it is more comfortable for your cat to sit on it should they decide to, while also helping prevent things like urine from potentially leaking into the device.

It even blows out clean air which some cats might actually find comforting. The air blown out also contains more than 5 million anions, which in turn can help your cat’s hair from becoming tangled while also making it smoother.

Safe for cats

Now, unlike humans, animals might not necessarily know if a gadget is safe for them. Animals like cats tend to be curious and might try to gnaw on the wire. In some cases, this can prove to be fatal to the pet. Luckily with the Wisesky W-cat Air Purifier, pet safety is something that the company has considered.

For starters, the power cord of the air purifier is made using a split braided design that makes it a little tougher for cats to chew. Secondly, it does not contain the use of biters which are normally used to deter pets, making it somewhat safer. Thirdly, the air purifier operates at a relatively low 24V, so even if your cat manages to bit it off it will be safe.

Lastly, the gaps between the air purifier’s grills are designed at 7.5mm wide. The company says that this is done to prevent their paws from getting stuck. Also, the purifier will automatically cut its own power should it be tipped over accidentally.

Pricing & availability

So, if you think that the Wisesky W-cat Air Purifier could be a great addition to your home and also to help benefit your cats, it is available for purchase via the company’s website. It is currently priced at $299, which is a $100 discount from its regular asking price of $399, making it a great buy.

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