Understanding the Roles in World of Warcraft Raids

In the universe of World of Warcraft raids, players are allocated several responsibilities that are critical to success. Among these jobs are Damage Dealers, who are in charge of doing the most damage to opponents, Healers, who are in charge of keeping the raid healthy, and Tanks, whose major responsibility is to absorb damage and manage boss positions. Each job has its own set of tasks and duties, adding to the complex dance of raid mechanics and collaboration required for triumph.

Of course, it is not always clear how each job operates and what its strengths and shortcomings are. Therefore, many players resort to the help of boosting companies. Professional gamers are working there who are ready to help with the world of warcraft mythic carries, leveling, obtaining the necessary items, and so on. In this case, you can order a coaching service, that is, you can ask questions that concern you, but at the same time go through the game yourself. With coaching and boosting, players learn their roles much faster and play at the highest level.

Tasks of fighters (damage dealers)

Damagers are players responsible for correctly and optimally inflicting damage on opponents. Each class has a damage dealer specialization. Let’s remember that even in the smallest raid group there should always be 2 tanks, as well as 1 healer for every 5 people. Thus, in a group of 14 people, we will have 2 tanks, 3 healers, and 9 damage dealers. For a Mythic raid, the group composition includes 2 tanks, 4-5 healers, and 13-14 damage dealers. The biggest dilemma throughout the existence of raids in WoW has always been the ratio of melee damage dealers to ranged damage dealers. So, there are a lot of damage dealers, they are divided into 2 types – rdd and mdd and, first of all, they need to inflict as much damage as possible on the boss. However, everything is not so simple, because the boss regularly comes up with many additional activities for them. If on the first boss of the raid, the damage dealers have only a few specific tasks like “take the debuff somewhere” or “run across to hide from the boss behind a column”, then on the last bosses of the raid these tasks turn into the most specific ones like “take the puddle into a certain mark”, “move the blade to the right”, “run to cleanse the debuffs under the boss.” That is, if on the first boss of a raid, you simply have to react to the boss’s mechanics, then on the last ones you have a pre-agreed plan of action, violation of which leads to a wipe.


Tasks of healers

Healers have accountability for ensuring that the remainder of the raid does not die and lose all of their health. There are 5 classes with healer specialization. Healers have a different game than damage dealers – they play to fill the team’s health bar. This is exactly what they joke about the tasks of healers because this is exactly what they do for a significant part of the battle – heal, and protect their comrades while being indignant at their every mistake – after all, healers can see them better than anyone else, and it is thanks to healers that a raid can allow its damage dealers to make these errors. Healers are also divided into melee healers and ranged healers. Melee healers have abilities that can apply to mdd, and range healers have abilities that can apply to rdd.


Tank missions

Tanks are characters who constantly get punched in the face by their leader for mistakes and try to do something about it (for example, avoid taking deprived damage). Also, tanks are responsible for the correct positioning of the boss; they gain particularly painful boss abilities; Tanks can significantly reduce damage to themselves for a short period. A total of 6 classes have tank specializations. The tank’s main ability is taunt – an ability that forces the boss to attack him. Few people know: if tanks use 3 taunts on the boss within 24 seconds, then the 4th taunt will not work on him. Therefore, no matter how simple the taunt mechanics may seem, even it has deep and unobvious moments. For example, all tanks know that if the tank is under the Blessing of Protection, then the boss will hit the next target with aggro. But, firstly, the boss will continue to apply all his abilities to the first target with aggro, and, secondly, if a tank under the Blessing of Protection uses a taunt on the boss, then the boss will hit this tank for the entire duration of the taunt. For example, a bear druid during Transformation can keep the boss on him under the Blessing of Protection for 5.25 seconds (the first taunt lasts 3 seconds, the second 1.5 seconds, the third 0.75 seconds). That is, by the way, the taunt is affected by the mechanics of reducing the effectiveness of diminishing. One of the important tasks, but rarely realized even by experienced tanks, is positioning the boss with his back to mdd, because the boss has a 3% chance to parry any physical attack that mdd throws at him. What if this was mdd’s most important ability?

Raid Leader Tasks

The raid leader and his officers deal with organizational and command issues. A raid leader can be compared to a certain squad leader in an army who gives orders during battle. Speaking of raids and statics, let’s look at finding a guild through the eyes of a newbie. A newcomer who wants to attend raids will either do it separately from any groups (for example, using the Group Search and completing raids on the easiest difficulty) or will end up in some static that is looking for recruits in the group search chat. Using the group search, a beginner can easily see the entire raid. As a semi-hardcore raider and raid leader, I can make a personal note here, which some casual players will disagree with – defeating bosses in Heroic and Mythic modes is much more interesting.

Raids in WoW are one of the two remaining PvE activities that encourage people to interact, to create large groups. For the raid, players can show other players the power of their character, get new cool equipment, overcome difficulties and defeat a difficult and dangerous enemy, get acquainted with the details of the history of famous game characters, and study the architecture and beautiful views of the raid. In short, it’s not for nothing that raids are WoW’s calling card.

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