
Sony Doesn’t Want you Playing PSP Games on the PlayStation Portal

A while back, we got word that a couple of Google personnel managed to managed to program a PS Portal to play Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, a PSP game via emulation. Google cloud vulnerability researcher Andy Nguyen first Tweeted about their success in getting a handful of PSP titles to run on the Portal, and although this was an exciting development for handheld emulation, the situation has changed now.

A more recent update from Nguyen reveals that after reporting their exploit over to Sony’s PlayStation team, the company has since issued a software patch (update 2.0.6) for the Portal which has addressed the vulnerability. Simply put, users who want to attempt running PSP titles on the Portal will no longer be able to do so, due to the new update.

Nguyen adds that whether or not they reported the vulnerability, making the emulator public would mean that Sony would have still developed a software patch at some point.

Launched last year, the PlayStation Portal serves as a streaming device for the PS5, which means players will need a Wifi connection to be able to access games from their console to the device itself, which somewhat limits its functionality as a portable device. It doesn’t come with any games of its own, unlike the PSP and PS Vita before it.

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