
YouTube Channels will Soon be Able to “Pause” their Comments Section

While YouTube remains one of the best ways to showcase content online and interact with audiences and fans, there are times when close encounters of the troll kind can result in some rather unpleasant interactions for content creators, a lot of which are better off avoided in the first place. With that in mind, YouTube recently announced that it will be rolling out a new “Pause” feature accessible to content creators.

The feature is designed as a new addition to YouTube’s pre-existing content moderation tools, and is an optional setting as well. As per YouTube’s official announcement:

We’re rolling out a new, optional comment moderation setting called Pause that allows you, as creators, to prevent the creation of new comments at the video level while preserving comments that were already published. This feature has been in experiment for a little while and we’re so happy to be able to roll it out to everyone based on the positive feedback we received while testing it

With the new update, creators can now select the option to pause video-level comment settings, or on the watch page in the YouTube App or via YouTube Studio. Doing so will keep previous comments visible, although viewers won’t be able to add new ones.

Before, channels were only able to prevent comments from being posted to their channels via temporarily holding them for review or disabling comments altogether.

Source: YouTube

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