As WhatsApp continues to make improvements to its communication services, we’re bound to see more new features make their way to the platform through updates and such. More recently, it looks like WhatsApp is set to make new changes to its audio chats feature, which was announced earlier this year.
The new WhatsApp update is available via the Google Play Beta Program, with software version number Users who have installed the update will be able to see a new waveform icon in the corner of their group chat’s display, and can initiate a voice chat by tapping on it.
Once a voice chat is active, other users in the group will receive a push notification (instead of an active ringing notification), and will receive a banner at the top of their chat box notifying them how many people are currently chatting, with the option to connect to the chat.
Any member in the group chat can join the chat at any time and start speaking, although the chat will automatically end after 60 minutes if no one joins. With that being said, anyone in the chat can still start another voice chat at any time.
At the moment, the voice chat feature is only accessible to certain groups, as well as groups with more than 32 participants, although only up to 32 participants might be able to join a voice chat. Additionally, the voice chats will be protected by end-to-end encryption, and we can expect to see it roll out for more users in the future.
Source: WA Beta Info