
Netflix is making it easier for you to find shows to watch


Netflix learns about its users by what they tend to watch, and over time, it can build recommendations to suggest TV shows and movies that you might be interested in. But if you find yourself spending way too much time browsing instead of watching, Netflix might have the answer.

The company has announced a new feature coming to iOS and Android devices called “My Netflix”. It is basically a new section within the app that houses all your downloads as well as shows you’ve given the thumbs up to or trailers you’ve seen, so you can quickly access your favorite shows without having to browse the entirety of Netflix’s catalog.

“Today, we’re introducing My Netflix, a one-stop shop tailored to you with easy shortcuts to help you choose what you want to watch. In this new dedicated space on iOS and Android globally, you can see your downloads (e.g. Quarterback episodes for that long flight), TV series and movies you gave a thumbs up to, shows and films you’ve saved to My List (e.g. Heart of Stone, anyone?), trailers you’ve watched, reminders you’ve set, whatever you’re in the middle of watching, what you’ve recently watched, and more.”

Users can still browse Netflix the good old fashioned way if they choose, but if you’re in a hurry and want to put on something you know you liked, a show you’ve watched halfway, and so on, then this new dedicated section will help save you a bit of time. Netflix says this new feature is being rolled out to iOS users today, and Android users can look forward to it in early August.

Source: Netflix

Tyler Lee
A graphic novelist wannabe. Amateur chef. Mechanical keyboard enthusiast. Writer of tech with over a decade of experience. Juggles between using a Mac and Windows PC, switches between iOS and Android, believes in the best of both worlds.

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