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Material You will Truly Come to Life in Android 14

With Google I/O finally wrapped up, we’ve finally gotten a better (and more official) look at Google’s newest hardware and services for 2023 and beyond. While a lot of this involves the company’s new Pixel devices, Google has also given a lot of focus to its many software and digital products – this includes Material You, its main design language for Android and software in general.

With that being said, Google announced several new updates and upcoming changes to Material Design, giving developers more ground to cover in terms of what they can do with user interface improvements for their apps.

As seen in the video above, among the new updates covered include Material 3 APIs, which are now stable for developers to be able use Material You without any hitches. Also introduced was the Carousel component, which features unique animations allowing developers to give users better visual experiences, with dynamic visual transitions and animation.

Google has also updated its guidelines for helping developers design UIs for larger displays including tablets and foldables, and has likewise worked on improving predictive back gestures and animations. According to Google, focus has been given to allow users to experience more “natural” looking and feeling motion while navigating through their device and app UI.

All this comes in addition to new changes headed to Android in the coming months, most particularly for Pixel devices – this includes new features such as Emoji Wallpaper, Cinematic Wallpaper, and Generative AI wallpaper, which allows for more user tweaking and personalization.

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