One of the features Samsung launched in 2022 with the Galaxy S22 series came in the form of Game Optimization Service. This feature basically “optimized” game performance on the phone to prevent overheating, but it came at the expense of performance where it throttled the CPU, GPU, and lowered the screen resolution.
For those who weren’t a fan of the feature, the bad news is that Samsung as brought it back onto the Galaxy S23. The good news is that users can actually disable the feature if they’d rather not use it.
This is quite significant because in the past, when the feature was first introduced, the feature could be disabled. Then following the One UI 4.0 update, Samsung removed the ability to disable it, but then brought it back after there was outrage from its users.
In any case, if you’re not someone who games that often and would prefer to use your phone’s CPU and GPU to the best of its capabilities, disabling Game Optimization Service is something to consider. Plus, the use of the newer Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset is said to be more efficient too, so maybe overheating might not be an issue to begin with, but it’s something to consider anyway.
Source: Android Authority