mozilla pocket

Mozilla’s Pocket just got some awesome quality of life updates

If you’re someone who’s constantly busy and doesn’t have a lot of time to read articles on the internet, chances are you might be familiar with Pocket. For those who aren’t, Pocket is an app that allows users to save articles so that they can revisit them later, whether they need to reference it again, read it later, it’s a good way of storing articles so you can get to them when you’re free.

Obviously no app is perfect, but the good news for Pocket users is that it looks like things are improving. In an announcement by Mozilla, it seems that the company has made some quality of life updates that should make the overall experience better for users.

One of the main changes Mozilla has made to Pocket is the introduction of a new Home tab. This kind of acts like a timeline of sorts, where you can see all the articles and websites that you have saved for viewing later. You will also be able to see articles that are being recommended based on specific categories that you might be interested in.

Mozilla has also made some changes to the “My List” section of the app, where they have renamed it to “Saves”. At its core it remains the same, where content you’ve saved will still reside there. They have also made some changes to the filters where there will now be a carousel at the top of the page, and there will also be an option for users to archive content.

These changes are live so make sure you’ve updated to the latest version of the app if you want to check it out.

Source: Mozilla

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