Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra Launch - 16

Samsung Galaxy S23 could come with improved 8K video recording

Depending on what you want to shoot, sometimes you might want to use a higher frame rate. For the most part, a lot of phones support Full HD video capture at 60 fps at the bare minimum these days, but when you go up in resolution, those frame rates become smaller.

For example, the Samsung Galaxy S22 supports 8K at 24 fps, but if you wanted to go higher, you might have to wait for the Galaxy S23. This is according to a tweet by Ice Universe who claims that for the Galaxy S23, Samsung could be bumping the frame rates up to 30 fps for 8K video recording.

Now, the difference of 6 fps might not seem like much, but it might be important and useful for some users. Typically speaking, 24 fps is the frame rate that many choose to get that cinematic-like effect, which is fine if that’s your intention and style, but having higher frame rates also means that videographers have more editing options during post processing.

For example if they wanted to slow down parts of the video, having higher frame rates gives them more frames to work with and can result in a smoother slow mo versus one that looks choppy. Either way, giving users options is always a good thing so if video recording is an important feature you must have, then the Galaxy S23 could be a phone to look forward to.

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