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YouTube Shorts creators will now get a cut from ad revenue

It is a well-established fact that video content creators can make money by creating and uploading videos onto YouTube. This money is earned through an ad revenue sharing program for those who have logged a number of hours watched and also a certain number of subscribers.

Now it looks like YouTube will be extending their ad revenue sharing program to those who upload Shorts. For those unfamiliar, YouTube Shorts are basically the company’s answer to TikTok, where users can create short form videos similar to TikTok that will make videos easier to watch for those who don’t have a lot of time.

YouTube had previously announced a $100 million creator fund for Shorts, but this was not particularly well met as it did not give users enough money compared to longer form videos, especially by larger creators who might be used to getting a larger slice of the pie. But now with these changes, creators will be able to get in on revenue sharing. According to YouTube:

“From the overall amount allocated to creators, they will keep 45% of the revenue, distributed based on their share of total Shorts views. The revenue share remains the same, no matter if they use music or not.”

In addition, YouTube is making it easier for creators to join its partner program. Prior to this, creators would need to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 public watch hours which might be difficult to achieve if you’re only looking to create Shorts, but now there is an alternative criteria which is 1,000 subscribers and 10 million Shorts views in the last 90 days.

Source: YouTube

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