
Pokémon Go Celebrates 6th Anniversary with Special Event

To celebrate six years of making our ‘mon-catching dreams a reality, the team over at Pokémon Go has announced an upcoming Anniversary event, which will take place from July 6 to July 12, 2022. 

The statement from the game’s official website reads: “It’s time to celebrate Pokémon GO and party like it’s 2016! To help kick this anniversary into high gear, we’re having a sensational six-themed celebration—including a special emphasis on Charizard, which is #006 in the Pokedéx. With event-themed Field Research and a Battle Weekend taking place, there’ll be plenty of fun for Trainers everywhere to enjoy!”

During the event, players will have a chance to encounter several new Pokémon variants, which include “Party Hat Charmeleon,” “Party Hat Charizard,” and “Cake Costume Pikachu.” The event will also allow trainers to evolve their Party Hat Charmanders. Shiny versions of the Party Hat Pokémon will also be lurking around.

Additionally, certain species of Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild, including special and shiny versions (a full list can be found here). Several items will be available for purchase during the event, via the in-game shop – this will include Sixth Anniversary accessories and outfits for avatars, as well as event-themed stickers.

Source: Pokémon Go

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