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Featured Snippets are being tested by Google Search to save you clicks

A “Featured Snippet” appears at the top of Google Search results pages, emphasizing an answer that Google’s algorithms have considered to be the most helpful or informative to readers. However, Google may add numerous Snippets in Search results in the near future, which depending on your outlook, you may find helpful or simply more confusing to use.

Image Source : Phandroid

People are more inclined to rely and engage on the Featured Snippet result, thus websites compete for it. The addition of three additional Snippets will let more websites to share the “approved by Google” spot, but it may also make things more complicated for readers.

In principle, if you ask a query like “how long does wisdom teeth recovery take?” you should get similar answers in all four boxes and get the answers without having to search through. Alternatively, if the findings differ, you’ll have more selections in case any of them aren’t completely relevant or correct.

Multiple Snippets, may make results too difficult for users looking for a single solution; they may wind up picking the result that fits better to their assumptions instead of the “best” or “correct” one.

Google hasn’t said when or if this feature would be implemented. Meanwhile, Google Search has been testing new Discover panels on desktop and has stated that its products review results would improve in 2022.

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