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Google Duo and Meet will Soon Become One

Google’s approach to its multiple messaging and video-calling apps over the years has been interesting, to say the least. Over time, the company has had a track record of developing and promoting multiple messaging apps (and axing some of the unfortunate ones), and this new development is certainly one to take note of.

A new announcement from the company has revealed that it will finally be merging its Google Meet and Duo apps. Essentially, Google will be bringing over features from Meet – which was introduced back in 2020 – and combining them with Duo for a single, fully-integrated video-calling and communication service.

According to the post, Google will begin implementing changes to the Duo mobile app starting this month, and this will add several features, such as virtual background customization, scheduled meetings, in-meeting chat functionality, live-sharing of content, real-time closed captions, a maximum of 100 call participants, and integrate with other Google services like Gmail, Google Calendar, Assistant, Messages, and more.

Google says that the pre-existing Duo app will eventually be renamed to Google Meet, and will remain a free service to use. Existing Duo users will not need to download a separate app, and they’ll just need to keep their current app updated.

Source: Google

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