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How Bitcoin Helps the Poor

Bitcoin technology has had an extraordinary dynamic perception since its creation at least a decade ago. Here is how it helps the poor globally.

Bitcoin technology has had an extraordinary dynamic perception since its creation at least a decade ago. Many didn’t want anything associated with cryptocurrency because they believed it was just another theft scheme in cyberspace. But they were wrong because Bitcoin has maintained a consistently growing worldwide acceptance. You could hardly find a company accepting Bitcoins for payment in the past. However, the perception has changed drastically, with international brands like Microsoft approving Bitcoin. 

Apart from corporations, some countries have also joined the world in championing digital currency. There have been various reports of governments installing cryptocurrency ATMs in cities. We’ve also heard of countries amending their laws to accommodate virtual currency. But that’s not all. Organizations have also been updating their digital equipment to facilitate electronic payments.

Misunderstanding the Bitcoin concept wasn’t the only drawback. Most people believed it was an initiative only for the rich, but the belief came amidst Bitcoin’s ever-increasing value. The reality is that Bitcoin cryptocurrency benefits everyone, including the poor. Here are ways electronic currency helps improve the lives of the less fortunate in society. 

Provides Access to Financial Services

Nothing slowed development programs in remote areas and developing countries more than the lack of adequate financial services. People couldn’t save money or participate in Bitcoin trading on platforms like bitcoin revolution because there wasn’t appropriate technology. But when Bitcoin technology surfaced, the world experienced significant transformations in the financial services sector. Instead of helplessly drowning in poverty, people in the developing world can now create digital wallets and save Bitcoins. The poor are redefining their destinies by trading cryptocurrency and investing in other digital assets. 

Protects the Poor against Inflation

While the government’s control of fiat currencies comes with some benefits, you can’t deny it also causes numerous challenges. For example, the government decides the amount of cash going into circulation. The authorities can pump more money into the economy without prior notice. As a result, the poor pay high prices for commodities due to inflation. The citizens in the developing nations have suffered this economic vice for years. However, we see lives getting better since Bitcoin’s entrance. One of the cryptocurrency’s defining characteristics is its decentralized operations. No governing body controls Bitcoins, making them immune to inflation.

Ensures Accountability

There’s nothing catalyzing poverty than corruption in various government agencies. Countries lose several billion dollars daily to individuals who don’t care about other people’s well-being. Some of the money that disappears is for projects to improve lives in the less fortunate communities. But without reliable curbing mechanisms, the poor will continue to suffer. 

Bitcoin uses a highly sophisticated digital technology called the blockchain. This technology leaves behind a permanent ledger detailing all the transactions, indicating who initiated them. Blockchain is gradually killing corruption because anyone can view financial records but can’t modify them. Bitcoin has helped governments minimize corruption cases and use the money to empower the poor. 

Minimizes Costs

Most service charges are due to government regulations, especially taxes. Another source of transaction fees is the intermediary financial institutions that verify and process payments. But Bitcoin brings a different and better story. Cryptocurrency payments occur in a digital network, directly from one person to another. The high-tech configuration eliminates the intermediary bodies and cuts costs significantly. In addition, governments have no say on Bitcoin transactions. They can’t tax them, thus making electronic transactions quite affordable. The poor save more to upgrade their lifestyles by paying fewer charges. 

Bottom Line!

Bitcoin cryptocurrency paves the way for opportunities that help everyone regardless of their status. It curbs corruption by ensuring transparency and accountability among financial officers. Governments use the money saved from corrupt deals to initiate developments and empower the poor. Bitcoin also lowers transaction charges and gives people unlimited access to financial services. Even though cryptocurrency comes with some risks, it elevates the living standards of the less fortunate worldwide.   

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