
Square Enix Unveils Front Mission Game for Mobile Devices

Japanese gaming giant Square Enix is no stranger to mobile gaming, having released countless games on Android since the platform’s early years on the market. Fresh off the heels of its latest mobile game announcement, the company recently unveiled another mobile title in development.

A new entry in the Front Mission series, “Front Mission 2089: Borderscape” will be developed by Blackjack Studio and published by Square Enix. The game is available for pre-registration on its official website.

Other than the website and teaser video, there are no specific details about Front Mission: Borderscape at the moment. Fans and those interested in checking out this title will have to wait for further announcements from the company.

The official description for the game reads “FRONT MISSION is a futuristic dystopian warfare-themed game series produced and published by Square Enix. In this world, society is secretly puppeteered by a large federation composed of various countries, and constant regional conflicts have become the destructive norm. The stories about humanoid weapons and their pilots will unfold through battles intertwined with blood and tears.”

Square Enix’s Front Mission franchise is one of its older titles, going as far back as the Super Nintendo entertainment system, and originally featured turn-based strategy gameplay. A remake of the first game has also been announced recently, and is headed to the Nintendo Switch. 

Source: Gematsu

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