
Should You Get The Tablet Insurance Offered By Your Mobile Service Provider?


Everyone today owns at least one smart device, and it can be easy to forget how much they cost. After all, we walk around with thousand-dollar devices in our pockets daily. We have become accustomed to being fairly careless with them, and every potential pickpocket knows it.

For this reason, when you get a new phone through a service provider and they offer insurance, it can be tempting. They are giving you a chance to be prepared without having to put much thought into it. The fact is that you definitely should have insurance that covers your mobile in case of theft.

However, that does not mean you should go with the insurance offered by your mobile service provider. Here are the top reasons you should reject this insurance.

You may already have mobile insurance

Mobile service providers offer you insurance on your tablet without checking whether you already have insurance. This leads to many people insuring their devices twice over. They get away with this because many people don’t know that their devices are insured.

The fact is that every homeowner has homeowners insurance and every renter should have renters insurance. Included in both types of policies is just about everything you own. Your possessions are covered whether they are in your home or out in public with you.

In some cases, you do have to get additional cover for valuable electronics, expensive jewelry, and the like. When you took out your insurance policy, you may well have included these extras and have not thought about it since.

But even if your renters or homeowners insurance does not include your electronics, you should still avoid the insurance offered by mobile SPs.

They are not insurers

Your mobile service provider will try to sell you insurance on your tablet, but they themselves are not insurers. They offer you this product by having their policies underwritten by reputable insurance providers. Ultimately, their name is on the insurance, but they do not process it.

This is not necessarily a problem, but it can be. They often offer products that are inferior to the regular products provided by the very insurers underwriting them. Furthermore, seeing as they act as a middleman, they put another step in between you and the processing of a claim.

In other words, when you get insurance from your mobile service provider, you will at best get the same service you would from your regular insurer. The better option is to simply add your device to your current insurance policy.

It’s more expensive

The insurance offered by your mobile service provider also may be more expensive. This is not necessarily because your service provider is trying to rip you off. However, adding coverage to your renters or homeowners insurance policy is almost always going to be cheaper than taking out a product specifically to cover that one device.

If you say no to the insurance offered by the SP when you get your device, you can take the time at home to compare your options. Ultimately, the offer you were given is not going to make it into your top 3, and you are better off choosing a solution for yourself.

That said, it is imperative that you do your due diligence to find out if you already have cover and to get cover if you do not.

What about warranties?

It is important to point out that mobile device insurance is different from a warranty. A warranty is a contract the phone maker provides that they will repair your device if it stops working within a certain amount of time. This is usually for faults that are not caused when you drop your device or damage it in any other way.

Insurance policies do not cover these faults, but most brands provide warranties regardless of whether you ask for it or not. You will have to consider if you want to extend your warranty after the standard period for an extra fee.

It is important that you have insurance on your tablet. However, that does not mean you should get insurance from the service provider. Rather, check if you are already covered by your homeowners or renters insurance, and add your devices to your policy if you are not.

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