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Amazing iPhone 13 screen protectors by UltraGlass can be installed with your eyes covered

If you’ve ever screwed up installing a screen protector on your phone and have huge air bubbles trapped underneath or if it’s not aligned properly, you know what, you’re not alone. Some accessory makers do include more than one piece because they know that some users might mess up, but some don’t, so if you run into issues, you’re forced to buy it again.

Thankfully though, UltraGlass has announced a brand new screen protector designed for Apple’s iPhone 13 pro max where thanks to their “cutting-edge tech”, they claim that users will be able to install the screen protector onto their brand new phone even with their eyes covered and have zero mistakes.

How to install the UltraGlass screen protector on your iPhone 13

Installing the UltraGlass screen protector on your iPhone 13 is actually incredibly easy as it comes with a handy install guide that helps position your phone to ensure it aligns correctly. In fact, the company says that they were the ones who originally developed this 3-in-1 pull technology.

The company has also helpfully included numbers on its packaging to let you know which are the steps you should do first.

  1. Tear open the packaging containing the wet wipe and wipe down the surface of your iPhone to ensure any fingerprints or oils are removed
  2. Take the fiber cloth to wipe it dry and get rid of any water droplets or wet spots left behind from the wet wipe
  3. Open the packet containing the dust sticker and gently dab it on the surface of the phone to remove any potential dust that you might have missed out when you wiped down the phone
  4. Lift up the lid of the tray and place your iPhone 13 beneath it and press down to make sure your phone is nice and snug
  5. Place the lid back on and pull the red bar out
  6. Press down on the top of the lid to begin the installation, which you can see as the screen protector is slowly laid on top of the phone and the air bubbles begin to squeeze out
  7. You can press down on the tail end of the tray to help get any air trapped underneath it out
  8. When you’re satisfied, lift the lid and take your iPhone 13 out of the tray and you’re good to go
  9. Should any dust get trapped during the installation process, you can lift up the screen protector and take the sticker bar to remove it before laying the screen protector back on

It is an incredibly easy and relatively fast process that does not require you to spend time trying to figure out if the earpiece and notch cutouts are aligned. According to UltraGlass, they claim that out of the 10,000 testers that they tested out the system with, 9,998 managed to get a “perfect screen”.

Why UltraGlass?

In addition to being incredibly easy and painless to install. UltraGlass’ screen protectors are also very durable.

The company’s screen protectors are said to be capable of withstanding 50 times per minute friction weighing 1,000g, but will also remain intact and uncracked even after being dropped from a height of 79.99-inches.

Other features include 99.99% HD clarity when viewing the display of the iPhone 13, an anti-fingerprint coating to prevent ugly smudges thanks to super hydrophobic surface, and it is clear and thin enough to support Face ID while also playing nicely with cases designed for the iPhone 13.

Customer satisfaction guaranteed

With some accessory makers, if you mess up the installation there’s nothing they will do for you and you’re forced to buy it again, but UltraGlass stands by its claims of easy installation by offering customers support and guarantee, if not they will actually send you a replacement.

The company says, “If the screen protector fails to install, we’d love to provide a new replacement for you. You can send an email to support@ultraglass.co to get a new replacement.” While hopefully you won’t need to ask for a replacement, it’s good to know that they are more than happy to oblige should you require it.

As you can see in some of the reviews customers have left on its Amazon page, many do seem pretty satisfied and happy with their screen protectors as well as the customer service.

If you think that this could be the screen protector for you, then head on over to the UltraGlass website for the details. The company will have screen protectors and cases designed for the new iPhone 13 pro max, iPhone 12/12 pro, as well as iPhone 11/XR, which could also be found on amazon.


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