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5 Best apps to save money

When they said that there’s an app for that, they certainly weren’t kidding. The app marketplace has exploded ever since smartphones were launched, and today there are apps that can do just about anything for you.

If you’re looking for an app that will help you save money, then we’ve put together a list that you might want to check out. While you can try saving money the good old fashioned way, having an app could make it more efficient. By showing you how much you are spending, that awareness could help you make a more conscious effort to cut back on certain luxuries.

A few bucks saved here and there will add up over time, so why not start now?


It goes without saying that Mint definitely makes the cut. It is one of the most popular budgeting apps out there. It breaks down your spending into various categories, track your subscriptions (it even takes notes when a subscription goes up in price), and it also has graphs and charts to help you better visualize where your money is going.


Jotting down what you spend your money on is a great practice, but sometimes you forget and eventually you lose track of where your money has gone. Acorns is an app that can keep track of those things for you, like whenever you swipe that credit card, it will automatically log your spending.

The best part is that the app can even invest on your behalf with the loose change it gets from rounding up your expenses, so eventually you should have a tiny portfolio that you can expand on later.


We buy things on the daily, whether it be luxuries or necessities. While obviously cutting back on spending is a great way to save money, there are other ways of saving money and stretching your dollar, which is what Shopkick tries to do. While shopping using Shopkick, you can get yourself reward points that you can then redeem for gift cards, which can then be used to purchase other things.

Like we said, since you’re already going to be shopping, you might as well get something for it at the same time.

You Need a Budget (YNAB)

Spending beyond your means is a great way to put yourself in debt and to prevent yourself from having any real savings. This is where budgeting comes in, which is what YNAB does a good job of. Available across multiple platforms, you can quickly and easily sync up your expenses, as well as create a budget together with a partner and track and hold each other accountable for your expenses.


We know that sometimes it might be tempting to spend the money you have rather than to keep it away, but this is detrimental to your goal of having money for a rainy day, but that’s what Digit is here for. The platform links to your bank account and from there, it will analyze your spending and income.

It will then take money from your account to a Digit saving account which then invests that money for you. This will be money that you might not miss, like a few bucks here and there, but it adds up, and if it’s out of sight you might be less tempted to spend it.

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