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Android 12 Developer Preview 3 rolling out to Pixel owners now

Other than a few bug fixes here and there, Google has been pretty quiet on the Android 12 front, despite I/O coming in just a few short weeks. Today, Google has released the third Developer Preview for Android 12, which is equipped with a few different developer-focused features to access the camera and haptic hardware.

How to install the Android 12 Developer Preview

In the accompanying blog post, Dave Burke, VP of Engineering, detailed some of the new changes that are available in the latest release. Here’s a quick breakdown of what’s new this time around:

As you can see, there’s a lot going on as Google barrels towards the first official beta release of Android 12. Google states that it’s full steam ahead, and suggests that developers begin compatibility testing, as Android 12 will be in the hands of a lot more users in May.

In the event that you have been holding off for a more-stable preview, this is likely the one to jump on ahead of the beta program release. But as always, we don’t recommend putting the Android 12 Developer Preview on your primary Pixel device.

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