Money management can be overwhelming at times with cash, credit cards, and subscriptions for various services. Budgeting apps are a great way to help get control of your finances by seeing exactly where your money goes each month. We’ve provided a list of some of our favorite apps to help you track finances. If you have another you use, feel free to share it in the comments.
You Need a Budget(YNAB) provides many of the same features as other apps listed including syncing with financial institutions, goal tracking, and budget creation. However, YNAB does all this using their four rules of budgeting: (1) Give Every Dollar A Job, (2) Embrace Your True Expenses, (3) Roll With The Punches, and (4) Age Your Money. You can find more details about each of the rules inside the app. They are so confident in their method, they provide a No-Risk, 100% Money-Back Guarantee.