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Huawei wants Google’s apps in its app store

Due to being placed on the US Entity List, Huawei is not allowed to do business with Google and vice versa. This has resulted in Google no longer officially licensing its services to Huawei, which includes a bunch of apps and services that one might typically find on an Android handset.

Now it looks like Huawei is proposing a potential alternative, where they are inviting Google to launch its apps in its own app store, called App Gallery. Speaking to CNBC, Huawei’s rotating chairman Eric Xu was quoted as saying (translated from Chinese):

“We hope Google services can be available through our AppGallery, just like how Google services are available through Apple’s App Store.”

Google and Apple are known to be rivals in the mobile space, but both companies have acknowledged that they need each other, and have since launched apps that are available on their competitor’s platform. This seems to be a situation that Huawei is hoping that they can convince Google to be in.

Xu’s statement also seems to be a slight change in Huawei’s tone, where previously it sounded like the company wasn’t so eager to get back in business with Google. It was also previously reported that Huawei has been looking to create alternatives to Google’s services, and that they are also working with other Chinese OEMs such as Xiaomi, Oppo, and Vivo to create their own version of the Google Play Store.

Source: CNBC

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