Google Go is the faster, lightweight search app you didn’t know you were missing

When it comes to surfing the mobile web, a lot of us probably take things like speed for granted. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case in a lot of places in the world, where not only is data expensive, but it can also be slow. This is why companies such as Google have created “lite” versions of some of their apps and services which have been designed specifically for such markets.

One of those apps was Google Go, a lightweight version of the Google app designed for Android Go smartphones. The app has been around for the past couple of years but was limited to certain markets. The good news is that Google has finally decided that the rest of the world should be able to benefit from some of the features of the app, and has since made it available for Android devices worldwide.

For those who are wondering why they should use Google Go over the existing Google app, one of the reasons is that it is a tiny app in terms of storage, where it only takes up just a mere 7MB. With our media content being as big as it is today, we’re sure some can appreciate their apps not hogging up all the storage space.

It also makes available the web version of some apps that you might use, meaning that in some cases, you might not even need to download certain apps to use them. It also has the ability to remember what you’ve done, so in the event that you lose your connection, it will be able to retrieve your search results once your connection has been restored.

If this sounds like an app you might be interested in checking out, head on over to the Play Store for the download.

Source: Google

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