How to track your family’s location with Life360

Keeping track of your kids is quite easy when they are young. You simply need to keep a watchful eye on them while you’re out in public since most of the time they are with you or someone you trust. Things get a bit harder once they are older and more independent. Since you don’t want to be that parent who messages or calls every 5 minutes to check in on your kids, you can one of the dozens of family location tracker apps that are available for Android.

Most of the apps offer device tracking and alerts, but we’d recommend Life360 since it offers integrated messaging, arrival and departure notifications, location history and multiple groups. Follow the instructions below to get Life360 set up on your family’s device to keep track of their locations.

Step-by-step instructions

This will set up your main map and give you an Invite Code which will need to be used on all the devices that you want to track.

Add Emergency Contacts

Life 360 will email or message that contact you selected to let them know that you have selected them as an emergency contact. The contact does need to accept your request before emergency alerts can be sent to them.

Send a Help Alert

An alert message countdown will appear on the screen stating that your emergency contacts will be contacted in 10 seconds. Once Help Alert is sent, your contacts will receive a phone call, text message and email notifying them of the alert. Your country’s emergency services phone number will also be displayed at the bottom if the screen, allowing you to call them directly from the app.

Create Places

One of the most useful features built into Life 360 is Places. It allows you to set up multiple locations on your map so that you can receive alerts when specific contacts arrive or leave the location. This is helpful for tracking when members of the family are at home, work, school, a friend’s house, soccer practice or even the mall. If you do not have a paid subscription, Life 360 only allows you to create two Places for each map.

Other features


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