
Android Q desktop mode launcher is pretty amazing

If you didn’t already know, Google will be including a desktop mode in Android Q which will allow a launcher on a phone to morph into a desktop view when a smartphone is connected with an external monitor. The implementation that we’ve seen so far with the stock launcher on Android Q is pretty basic with a button in the bottom right corner which acts as the app drawer and free-form app windows for supported apps.

Fortunately, developers are already working on their own launchers for Android Q which would deliver a more traditional desktop experience. One of the launchers that’s currently being worked on is Flow Desktop. The launcher rearranges the UI elements, putting the status bar in the bottom right corner where it belongs, gives the app drawer a desktop makeover and even allows it to float over the free-form app windows when it’s opened.

There are still some bugs to be worked out, but Flow Desktop looks very promising. We wouldn’t be surprised if major players in the space like Nova and Action Launcher create their own desktop mode customizations once Android Q is officially released.

Take a look at the video below to see Flow Desktop in Action. Based on what we’ve seen so far, so you think you’d use your Android smartphone in desktop mode?

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