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Sony Xperia with six cameras could be in the works

While Sony might not be the prominent force in the smartphone industry as they once were, we shouldn’t be so quick to discount them just yet. This is because according to a tweet by tipster Max J., who has in the past been pretty accurate with his leaks, Sony has a new phone in the works that could be packing as many as six cameras on the back of the phone.

In addition to the six lenses on the back, the phone is also said to be packing a dual front-facing camera, which is still something of a rarity these days. As to why Sony might need so many lenses, that is still unclear, but perhaps they could justify it the same way the Nokia did with the Nokia 9 PureView.

We think it feels more like a gimmick than anything, but it could open the door to various combinations and possibilities that handset makers might not have considered before. The concept of utilizing multiple lenses isn’t new, as in the past, we have seen how a company by the name of Light launch the L16 camera which came with a whopping 16-lenses.

We imagine that some of the uses of having multiple lenses could allow the handset to capture multiple images and stitch them together to create the “ultimate” photo with greater dynamic range, contrast, saturation, and resolution, but whether or not there is need for such a device remains to be seen.

Take it with a grain of salt for now because as Max J. points out, the device is still in development so it isn’t clear what else we might be able to expect just yet.

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