Nest Hub Max hands-on demo

The new Nest Hub Max is the newest smart display from Google. While it will take a while to get used to the new Nest branding, the Nest Hub Max is simply a Google Home Hub with a larger display, much better audio and a built-in camera. While these differences may not seem like much, Google has also integrated voice and facial recognition features so that the Nest Hub Max can identify who is speaking to it and serve up better answers for that individual if they are asking to play their favorite playlist or inquiring about your next calendar appointment.

Since the Nest Hub Max does include a camera, Google has incorporated an electronic switch on the back which ensures that the camera does not turn on. The device’s microphone can be muted as well, but that feature is built into the software. Google has also added a new “stop” feature which allows users to instantly stop music or alarms by raising a hand or simply saying “stop”, rather than requiring the full “Hey Google, stop.”

Check out the Nest Hub Max demo below to see the new features in action.

Nest Hub Max Demo

Nest Hub Max gallery

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