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AMP pages will no longer show AMPified URL in Chrome

AMP pages are Google’s way of speeding up and slimming down the internet. What AMP does is cache a “light” version of many popular sites, and when you view it, you’re viewing the cached version from Google servers. This gets rid of a lot of bloat and extra data you phone has to download and display, which is great in terms of speed. However, you’ll be missing out on a lot of features the original site offers.

Love it or hate it (and there are plenty of people in both camps), it seems the feature is here to stay. However Google has announced that the URL, previously showing that it’s a Google AMP site, will now be replaced by the original page URL. This is done by using a complex process called signed exchanges, which is better explained by Google itself.

The issue is that it will look like you’re on the real site, not the Google cached AMP site. While this may look cleaner like Google claims, it is also misleading and will likely make users think that it is the original site. This can’t be good for users or site owners, as users will lose out on features and comments and site owners may lose users. It seems like a hostile way to keep users on Google’s own pages.

This feature will only work with Google Chrome for now, so switching browsers is a good fix. If you want to avoid Google’s push to misleading URLs in the next few weeks, switching to Firefox or Opera is the ticket out of this.

Source: Google Webmasters Blog
Via: Android Police

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