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YouTube Music is finally getting Android Auto support

It’s amazing to see how Google approaches app compatibility between its own services. Despite making both YouTube Music and Android Auto, the company didn’t offer full support for the latter service in the former. But most of us are long used to Google’s odd decisions when it comes to its own apps (especially messaging apps).

Thankfully Google has finally added Android Auto support to YouTube Music. Once you’ve updated YouTube Music to version 3.03, fire up Android Auto in your car and double press the music button at the bottom. From there you’ll get a list of supported apps, so scroll all the way down to select YouTube Music. YouTube Music support for Android Auto comes just a few weeks after Google adding Android Auto support for its Podcasts app.

The update may take a while to get to your phone if it’s being rolled out in stages, so be patient and check the Play Store once in a while. Once you do, enjoy the service in your car!

Source: Android Police

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