op6t-vs-hv20 (22)

Honor View 20 VS OnePlus 6T camera comparison

The Honor View 20 is getting a lot of attention, especially for its 48MP camera. We’ve already compared the camera of the Honor View 20 with those of the pixel 3, but we thought a more interesting comparison would be with the OnePlus 6T since both devices offer flagship-tier specs at an affordable price point.

If we’re strictly looking at hardware, the Honor View 20 does has an advantage over the OnePlus 6T.  Honor’s device has a 48 MP main camera with an f/1.8 lens and a secondary TOF 3D stereo camera which actually calculates how long it takes for light to hit the sensor as it bounces off different objects. The 25MP front-facing camera is pretty remarkable as well, capturing a lot of light and delivering crisp and clear images. The cameras on the OnePlus 6T include two 16MP sensors on the back, parser with f/1.7, 25mm lenses and a third 16MP sensor on the front for the selfie camera, all of which can capture pretty decent image in daylight and low light situations. 

Rather than tell you how the quality of the images and videos captures with the Honor View 20 and OenPlus 6T differ, we’ve put together side-by-side comparisons which show how the two devices fare in different scenarios. The gallery below includes a selection of our favorite images, but you can view the video samples and the complete collection of side-by-side photo comparisons by watching the video.

Be sure to jump into the comments below and let if you prefer the camera experience offered by the Honor View 20 or the OnePlus 6T.

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